Change Google Clips settings

Note: The Google Clips app is no longer available to download. For more information, go to Google Clips End of Life.

Explore the settings below to change how Google Clips saves content you capture.

Save clips as

You can change how clips are saved from the Google Clips app home screen. By default, clips are saved as motion photos.

  1. Open the Google Clips app.
  2. Tap Settingsand thenSave clips as.
  3. Select from the clip formats available.

You can choose from:

  • Motion photo: Combines a video and high-quality still. Works best in Google Photos.
  • Video: Standard video for editing and uploading.
  • Animated GIF: Quick and easy sharing. Lower image quality.

Video quality

Turn on this setting to increase the image resolution of clips saved from the Google Clips app as videos and motion photos:

  1. Open the Google Clips app.
  2. Tap Settingsand thenVideo quality
  3. Toggle increased resolution on or off.

Clips saved at a higher quality can take up more storage space and may take longer to save.

Note: Video quality adjustment is only available on Android devices at this time.

Capture rate

You can adjust your camera's rate of capture so that it records clips more or less frequently during automatic capture:

  1. Open the Google Clips app.
  2. Connect to your camera.
  3. Tap Settingsand thenCapture rate.
  4. Select from "High," "Medium," or "Low."

You must be connected to your camera to change your camera's capture rate.

Note: Capture rate is only available on Android devices at this time.


Turn on Auto-save to automatically save suggested clips to your phone in the background when you are connected to your Clips camera:

  1. Open the Google Clips app.
  2. Tap Settingsand thenAuto-save.
  3. Select "On."

You can find clips that have been automatically saved in Google Photos or your favorite gallery app. View, save, or delete the rest of the clips your camera captures in the Google Clips app.

Turn off Auto-save to review all clips in the Google Clips app before saving or deleting.

Note: Auto-save is only available on Android devices at this time.


If your clips are being saved with wide horizontal or vertical lines (banding) running through them, you may need to change your camera's Antibanding setting. To change the Antibanding setting, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Google Clips app.
  2. Tap Settingsand thenAntibanding.
  3. Tap either 60Hz or 50Hz based on your preference.

Note: The standard setting for lighting in North America is 60Hz. While in Europe, Australia, and most of Asia, the standard setting for lighting is 50Hz.

Remove camera

To remove your Clips camera from your phone, follow these steps in the Google Clips app:

  1. Open the Google Clips app.
  2. Tap Settingsand thenRemove camera.
  3. Make sure the box to remove the camera and erase data is checked.
  4. Tap Remove.

Note: Removing the camera will erase all data on your camera, including familiar faces and any unsaved clips.

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