Manage project members or change project ownership

Anyone with owner-level permissions, such as a project creator, can add and remove other project members and edit their permissions settings.

Choose a topic for information on managing project members.

Add project members

To add a project member:

  1. Go to the API Console.
  2. Open the console left side menu and select IAM & Admin.
  3. From the project list, choose the project that you want to add a member to.
  4. Click Add Member and provide an email address. You can add individuals or Google Groups as members, but every project must have at least one project member that is an individual.
  5. Select a role. Roles give members the appropriate level of permission; we recommend that you give the member the least amount of privilege needed to perform their work. For more information about using IAM and roles, see Cloud Identity and Access Management Overview.

    Note: You should be aware that all members with owner-level permissions are also project owners, and are allowed to manage all aspects of a project including shutting down the project.

  6. Click Add.
Change member permissions

To change member permissions:

  1. Go to the API Console.
  2. Open the console left side menu and select IAM & Admin.
  3. From the projects list, select the project that you want to change the member's permissions for.
  4. You can either search for the member, or you can browse Role lists to locate the member whose permission you want to change. Next to the member's name, under Role(s), select the new permission level. To remove permissions, uncheck a role. Note that if you uncheck all permissions, the member will be removed.
  5. Click Save. The Role lists update automatically.
Delete project members

To delete a project member:

  1. Go to the API Console.
  2. Open the console left side menu and select IAM & Admin.
  3. From the projects list, select the project that you want to remove the member from.
  4. You can either search for the member, or you can browse Role lists to locate the member that you want to remove.
  5. Next to the member's name, click the trash Delete icon.

The member is removed from the project.


For more information about setting project permissions, see Granting, Changing, and Revoking Access to Project Members.

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