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What is the duration and location of the certification exam?

Find the most current certification exam information at

Associate Cloud Engineer certification 
Cloud Digital Leader Certification

How do I apply for a certification discount?

To be eligible for an Associate Cloud Engineer certification voucher:

  • You must be part of a Google Cloud Career Launchpad cohort.
  • You must have completed the Google Cloud Engineering Certificate on Google Cloud Skills Boost, including all on-demand courses and skill badge quests.

Submit the application for the ACE certification voucher. If you meet the eligibility criteria the certification voucher will be emailed to you within 10 business days.

To be eligible for a Cloud Digital Leader certification voucher:

  • You must be part of a Google Cloud Career Launchpad cohort.
  • You must have completed the Cloud Digital Leader learning path on Google Cloud Skills Boost.

Submit the application for the Cloud Digital Leader certification voucher. If you meet the eligibility criteria the certification voucher will be emailed to you in 10 business days.

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