Hotel campaigns Get startedHotel Ads onboarding guideCreate a hotel campaignAbout Hotel pricesProduct Linking: Link Hotel Center and Google AdsAbout the hotel destination reportCommission-based bid strategies in hotel ads to sunsetCampaign managementAd Groups & Hotel GroupsBiddingTargetingCalloutsConversionsSet up conversion measurement for hotel and Performance Max for travel goals campaignsAbout commissions (per conversion) for hotel adsAbout commissions (per stay) for hotel adsSet up dynamic URL tracking for a hotel campaignCampaign PerformanceHotel campaigns data freshnessSee how hotel bids and adjustments performedSee performance of hotel groupsMetrics available in the Report Editor for hotel adsUse Report Editor for hotel adsAbout impression share for hotel adsReconcile your bookings in Google AdsBest practicesMake bulk changes to hotel campaignsSet up automated rulesUse the Google Ads API for Hotel campaignsBidding best practices and tips for hotel campaignsPerformance Max for Travel GoalsAbout Performance Max for travel goalsGet started with Performance Max for travel goals campaignsPerformance Max for travel goals onboarding guideAdd additional asset groups (hotels) to your Performance Max for travel goals campaignAbout the Hotels tab for Performance Max for travel goals campaigns