Download a search terms report

In the latest version of Google Ads Editor, you can view and download reports for your search terms. You also have a variety of tools to add keywords, negative keywords, and new search terms.

Before you begin

You should be familiar with how to use search term reports as a means of identifying search terms to be added to your keywords list. You can also use search term reports to see how closely actual searches are related to your selected keywords. Learn more about the search terms report

View and download your search terms report

  1. Sign in to Google Ads Editor.
  2. In the type list, select Keywords or Keywords, Negative
  3. Click the Search terms button in the data view. Note: You may be asked to sign into your Google Ads account and then paste a code into Google Ads Editor.
  4. In the window that appears, select the date range for the report.
  5. Select the campaigns and ad groups you’d like to see search terms for.
  6. Under “Select stats,” choose which metrics you’d like to see in the report among the “Performance” and “Statistics” dropdown menu. 
  7. Optional: Under “Save this set of stats as,”  you can save the report with a name.
  8. Click Ok.
  9. A search terms window appears with your report showing metrics for the search terms you selected. 
  10. Click Account.
  11. Click Export.
  12. Click Export current view.

    This will download your search terms report.

Note: You can also access the report by clicking View Statistics in the toolbar and selecting View search term report.


  • In the search terms window, you can use the filter icon  to filter the search terms report by certain conditions, such as keywords, match type, or search term.
  • In the search terms window, you can use buttons to Add as keyword or Add as negative keyword. When selecting Add as negative keyword, you can choose to to add it at the campaign or ad group level.

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