Add location assets

Google Ads Editor lets you add location assets at the campaign and ad group levels. Location assets show your business address, phone number, and other information (e.g. business hours and ratings) about your location.


  1. In the account tree, select the campaign or ad group where you want to add the asset.
  2. In the type list, select Ad assets and then location assets.
  3. Above the data view, click Add location asset.
    1. To add campaign location assets, select one of the options in the drop-down menu: 'Show ads with all locations', 'Show ads with locations matching filter' and 'Show ads with selected locations'.
    2. To add ad group location assets, select one of the options in the drop-down menu: 'Show ads with all locations', 'Show ads with locations matching filter' and 'Show ads with selected locations'.
  4. Select the campaigns or ad groups where the new locations should be added.
  5. Click OK.
All account-level shared items are shown in the Shared library even if only some campaigns are downloaded. Shared location assets won't show associations for campaigns that haven't been downloaded. 

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