Import a CSV file in Google Ads Editor

CSV file columns

This article describes the CSV file columns used when making changes with CSV files, and how to retain version history when making edits.

In order for Google Ads Editor to recognize CSV columns automatically, the headers must be in English. However, capitalization and spaces don't matter. For example, daily budget is the same as dailybudget, daily_budget, DAILY BUDGET, etc.

Leaving a field blank indicates that Google Ads Editor should not make any changes for that item. Entering a pair of square brackets [] indicates that Google Ads Editor should erase any values that already exist for that item.

CSV columns

The table below lists frequently used CSV column headers. Additional columns are required for certain items, like dynamic ad targets.

Column header
(and alternate headers)
Campaign name
Campaign type

Include one of the following values in the “Campaign type” column: Search, Search - Mobile app installs, Display, Display - Smart, Display - Mobile app installs, Display - Gmail, Shopping, Video, Video - Bumper ad, Video - Drive conversions, Video - Outstream, Universal app.

Note: Starting in July 2018, campaign names were modified for Search campaigns that included Display. For Search campaigns, you may see “Search” as the campaign type with the associated “Networks” field possibly including “Search Partners” or “Display Network,” depending on the options you choose.

If "Campaign type" isn't specified, "Networks" will be used to determine the campaign type.

Campaign daily budget
Daily budget
Campaign budget
The value must be greater than zero.
Language targeting
On the campaign row, enter one or more language codes, separated by semicolons.
Location ID
Geo ID
Geo target ID
Enter each location on its own row. In the location targeting instructions, refer to the "Import locations in a CSV file" section.
Geo targeting
Enter each location on its own row. In the location targeting instructions, refer to the "Import locations in a CSV file" section.
Bid adjustment
Bid modifier
This column can include a mobile bid modifier (if on the campaign or ad group row) or a bid modifier (if on a location, placement, or audience row).
Ad schedule
Ad schedules
Ad schedule intervals
Enter a campaign schedule on a campaign row, or enter a sitelink schedule on a sitelink row. For formatting guidelines, see the ad scheduling instructions.

“Networks” is used to determine whether your campaign will appear on Google Search or also on Search Partners. Enter one or more of the following, separated by a semi-colon: Google Search; Search Partners; Search; Display; or Select. Search and Search Partners campaign types include Google Search.

For video campaigns, you can enter one or more of the following: YouTube Search; YouTube Videos; or Video Partners.

Using the value "Search" will enable both Google Search and Search Partners. If “Campaign type” isn’t specified, “Networks” will be used to determine the campaign type. 

Search and Search Partners campaign types include Google Search.

 Learn more

Ad group
Ad group name
Max CPC  
Display Network max CPC
Max content CPC
Display max cpc
Display network cpc
Max CPM  
CPA bid  
Flexible reach On an ad group row, enter one or more of the following Flexible reach options, separated by semicolons, to specify them as "Observation" for the ad group: Placements; Topics; Audiences; Genders; Ages; Parental status; Household income. For example, enter Placements to set placements as "Observation" for the ad group. To modify an existing ad group to use "Targeting" for all five types, enter [] (a pair of square brackets) in this column. Learn more about Display Network targeting
Display Network custom bid type
Display Network bid type

You can enter any of the following Display Network custom bid types on the ad group row: Keywords, Placements, Topics, Audiences, Gender, Age, Parental status, Household income, None.

Max CPC multiplier
Max CPC bid multiplier
Default max CPC multiplier
Default max CPC bid multiplier
You can enter a maximum CPC multiplier for keywords or ad groups in campaign experiments.
Display Network max CPC multiplier
Display network max CPC bid multiplier
Max content CPC multiplier
Max content CPC bid multiplier
You can enter a Display Network maximum CPC multiplier for ad groups in campaign experiments.
Max CPM multiplier
Max CPM bid multiplier
You can enter a maximum CPM multiplier for ad groups in campaign experiments.
Keyword text
Website URL
Enter a placement or topic.
Criterion type
Keyword type
Match type
Location type
This column can contain various values, depending on the row:
  • Enter a keyword match type, such as Broad (Keyword rows only).
  • Enter Negative to indicate a negative item, such as a negative keyword or excluded location (keyword, placement, audience, dynamic ad target, gender, age, or location rows).
  • Enter Campaign negative to specify a campaign-level negative (keyword, placement, gender, age, or audience rows).
Bid strategy type
Bidding strategy type
Bidding type
For campaign rows, enter the bid strategy type. For Display campaigns, another campaign-level option is Manual CPM. Learn more
Bid strategy
Bid strategy name
Bidding strategy name
Bidding strategy
Bidding name
For campaign rows using account-specific portfolio bid strategies, enter the name of the bid strategy. For standard bid strategies, this column should be blank. Portfolio bid strategies are case sensitive. For example, if your Google Ads shared library includes a bid strategy called "My Bid Strategy," Google Ads Editor doesn't recognize "my bid strategy" as the same strategy. Learn more



Headline 1
Headline 2

These columns  are used for expanded text ads. Each headline can have up to 30 characters. 
Short headline
Long headline
These columns are used for responsive ads.

Description line 1
Description 1
Ad text line 1
Desc line 1

Description line 2
Description 2
Ad text line 2
Desc line 2
Image file name
Business image
Ad name  
Display URL
Visible URL
Final URL
Final URLs
Enter final URLs, separated by spaces. (Note: If you are updating a destination URL to a final URL, enter a pair of square brackets [] in a “Destination URL” column, which will remove the destination URL, and enter the new final URL in the “Final URL” column.)
Final mobile URL
Final mobile URLs
Enter final mobile URLs, separated by spaces.
Tracking template
Tracking URL
Enter a single URL template.
Path 1
Path 2
These columns are used for expanded text ads. The text you put in the fields should describe the product or service described in the ad in more detail. Paths are optional, and they support up to 15 characters each.
Custom parameter
Custom parameters

Format parameters in the following way (separated by spaces): {_param1}=value1 {_param2}=value2 {_param3}=value3

Note: Up to 8 parameters are supported.

Device preference Enter All or Mobile on the same row as a sitelink or an ad (text, image, dynamic search, or display).
Start date Enter a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD on a campaign row or a sitelink row. For campaigns only, the start date must be the current date or a future date (not a past date). The start date cannot be changed for a campaign that has already begun running. Enter empty brackets [] to specify no start date (for sitelinks) or today as the start date (for campaigns).
End date Enter a future date in the format YYYY-MM-DD on a campaign row or a sitelink row, or enter empty brackets [] to specify no end date. The end date for a campaign or sitelink must be the same as or later than the start date.
Campaign status Enter Enabled, Paused, or Removed. For new campaigns only, enter a status of Scratchpad to indicate a draft campaign.
Ad group status Enter Enabled, Paused, or Removed.

In a campaign running an experiment, ad group status can also be Control only, Experiment only, Control and experiment, or Experiment and control.
Status Enter Enabled, Paused, or Removed. Use this column to change the status of keywords, placements, ads, etc. (Note that it isn't possible to pause negative items, such as negative keywords. Entering a status of Paused for a negative item has no effect.)

In a campaign running an experiment, you can enter the following values for keywords and ads: Control only, Experiment only, Control and experiment, Experiment and control.
Audience name
Full interest category
Learn more about audience targeting
Gender Enter Male, Female, or Unknown. Learn more about gender targeting
Age Enter one of the following age ranges: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65 or more, Unknown. Learn more about age targeting
Markup languages  
Mobile carriers  
Business name
Company name
Address line 1
Address 1
Address line 2
Address 2
Postal code  
Phone number
Ad phone number
Business phone
Country code
Country of phone
Phone country
Map icon
Icon name
Asset source
Template contents
Display contents
Display ad contents
Sitelink text
Link text (upgraded)
Upgraded link text
Learn how to import sitelinks
Platform targeting On a sitelink row, enter Mobile, Desktop, or All. All sitelinks in a campaign or ad group must have the same platform targeting.
Display ad contents
Display contents
Product group  
Product group type  
App ID / Package name Enter the Package Name (Android) or App ID (iOS) for your mobile app install ad.
Account ID  
Accent color  
Ad formats  
Ad Group  
Ad Group Status  
Ad Group Type  
Ad Name  
Ad rotation  
Ad Schedule  
Ad text idea 1  
Ad text idea 2  
Ad text idea 3  
Ad text idea 4  
Address line 1  
Address line 2  
Allow flexible color  
App store  
Association rule  
Bid Modifier  
Bid Strategy Name 
Bidding strategy name
Bidding strategy
Bid Strategy Type 
Bidding strategy type 
Bidding type
Campaign budget 
Campaign Daily Budget
Daily budget
Budget period  
Bumper ad  
Business name  
Company name  
Business name filter  
Call reporting  

Call to action

Call to action text

Call to action 1  
Call to action 2   
Call to action 3      
Call to action 4      
Call to action 5      
Call to action 6      
Call to action 7      
Call to action 8      
Call to action 9      
Call to action 10      
Call to action 11  
Call to action 12    
Call to action 13    
Call to action 14    
Call to action 15    
Callout text  


Campaign name

Campaign optimization  

Campaign Priority

Shopping priority

Campaign Type  

Channel ID


YouTube channel ID


Channel Name


YouTube channel name

Collapsed header  

Companion banner


Image file name

Content keywords  
Country code  

Country of phone


Country of Sale  

Country of Sale



Criterion Type


Match type

Keyword type

CTA 1 background  
CTA 1 button URL  
CTA 1 mobile URL  
CTA 1 text color  
CTA 2 background  
CTA 2 button URL  
CTA 2 mobile URL  
CTA 2 text color  
CTA 3 background  
CTA 3 button URL  
CTA 3 mobile URL  
CTA 3 text color  
CTA 4 background  
CTA 4 button URL  
CTA 4 mobile URL  
CTA 4 text color  
CTA 5 background  
CTA 5 button URL  
CTA 5 mobile URL  
CTA 5 text color  
CTA 6 background  
CTA 6 button URL  
CTA 6 mobile URL  
CTA 6 text color  
CTA background  
CTA button URL  
CTA text color  
Custom parameters  
[Custom parameter]  
Delivery method  
Description 1  
Item 1 description]  
Description 1  
[Description Line 1  
Desc line1  
Ad text line1]  
Description 1 position  
Description 10  
Description 11  
Description 12  
Description 13  
Description 14  
Description 15  
Description 2  
Item 2 description]  
Description 2  
[Description Line 2  
Desc line2  
Ad text line2]  
Description 2 position  
Description 3  
[Description Line 3  
Item 3 description  
Ad text line3]  
Description 3 position  
Description 4  
Description 4 [desc4, Item 4 description]  
Description 4 [Description Line 4, desc line4, ad text line4]  
Description 4 position  
Description 5  
Description 5 [desc5, Item 5 description]  
Description 5 [Description Line 5, desc line5, ad text line5]  
Description 6  
Description 6 [desc6, Item 6 description]  
Description 7  
Description 7 [desc7, Item 7 description]  
Description 8  
Description 8 [desc8, Item 8 description]  
Description 9  
Description Line 1  
Description Line 1 [description 1, desc line 1]  
Description Line 1 [description1, desc line1, ad text line1, Description, desc]  
Description Line 1 [description1, desc line1, ad text line1]  
Description Line 2  
Description Line 2 [description 2, desc line 2]  
Description Line 2 [description2, desc line2, ad text line2]  
Desktop Bid Modifier  
Desktop Bid Modifier [desktop bid adjustment]  
Destination URL  
Destination URL [dest url, link url]  
Device Preference  
Discount modifier  
Display Ad Contents  
Display Network Custom Bid Type  
Display Network Custom Bid Type [display network bid type]  
Display URL  
Display URL [visible url]  
DSA Language  
DSA page feeds  
DSA targeting source  
DSA Website  
DSA Website [DSA Website Domain, Website Domain]  
Dynamic Ad Target Condition 1  
Dynamic Ad Target Condition 2  
Dynamic Ad Target Condition 3  
Dynamic Ad Target Value 1  
Dynamic Ad Target Value 2  
Dynamic Ad Target Value 3  
End Date  
End Date [campaign end date]  
Enhanced CPC  
Exclusion method  
Feed Name  
Feed Name [Feed]  
Final mobile URL  
Final mobile URL [Final mobile URLs, Mobile final URL, Mobile final URLs]  
Final mobile URL 1  
Final mobile URL 1 [Mobile final URL 1, Item 1 final mobile URL]  
Final mobile URL 1 [Mobile final URL 1]  
Final mobile URL 10  
Final mobile URL 10 [Mobile final URL 10]  
Final mobile URL 11  
Final mobile URL 11 [Mobile final URL 11]  
Final mobile URL 12  
Final mobile URL 12 [Mobile final URL 12]  
Final mobile URL 13  
Final mobile URL 13 [Mobile final URL 13]  
Final mobile URL 14  
Final mobile URL 14 [Mobile final URL 14]  
Final mobile URL 15  
Final mobile URL 15 [Mobile final URL 15]  
Final mobile URL 2  
Final mobile URL 2 [Mobile final URL 2, Item 2 final mobile URL]  
Final mobile URL 2 [Mobile final URL 2]  
Final mobile URL 3  
Final mobile URL 3 [Mobile final URL 3, Item 3 final mobile URL]  
Final mobile URL 3 [Mobile final URL 3]  
Final mobile URL 4  
Final mobile URL 4 [Mobile final URL 4, Item 4 final mobile URL]  
Final mobile URL 4 [Mobile final URL 4]  
Final mobile URL 5  
Final mobile URL 5 [Mobile final URL 5, Item 5 final mobile URL]  
Final mobile URL 5 [Mobile final URL 5]  
Final mobile URL 6  
Final mobile URL 6 [Mobile final URL 6, Item 6 final mobile URL]  
Final mobile URL 6 [Mobile final URL 6]  
Final mobile URL 7  
Final mobile URL 7 [Mobile final URL 7, Item 7 final mobile URL]  
Final mobile URL 7 [Mobile final URL 7]  
Final mobile URL 8  
Final mobile URL 8 [Mobile final URL 8, Item 8 final mobile URL]  
Final mobile URL 8 [Mobile final URL 8]  
Final mobile URL 9  
Final mobile URL 9 [Mobile final URL 9]  
Final URL  
Final URL [Final URLs]  
Final URL 1  
Final URL 1 [Item 1 final URL]  
Final URL 10  
Final URL 11  
Final URL 12  
Final URL 13  
Final URL 14  
Final URL 15  
Final URL 2  
Final URL 2 [Item 2 final URL]  
Final URL 3  
Final URL 3 [Item 3 final URL]  
Final URL 4  
Final URL 4 [Item 4 final URL]  
Final URL 5  
Final URL 5 [Item 5 final URL]  
Final URL 6  
Final URL 6 [Item 6 final URL]  
Final URL 7  
Final URL 7 [Item 7 final URL]  
Final URL 8  
Final URL 8 [Item 8 final URL]  
Final URL 9  
Final URL suffix  
Flexible Reach  
Gender [Negative gender]  
Header 1  
Header 1 [Item 1 header]  
Header 2  
Header 2 [Item 2 header]  
Header 3  
Header 3 [Item 3 header]  
Header 4  
Header 4 [Item 4 header]  
Header 5  
Header 5 [Item 5 header]  
Header 6  
Header 6 [Item 6 header]  
Header 7  
Header 7 [Item 7 header]  
Header 8  
Header 8 [Item 8 header]  
Headline 1  
Headline 1 position  
Headline 10  
Headline 10 position  
Headline 11  
Headline 11 position  
Headline 12  
Headline 12 position  
Headline 13  
Headline 13 position  
Headline 14  
Headline 14 position  
Headline 15  
Headline 15 position  
Headline 2  
Headline 2 position  
Headline 3  
Headline 3 position  
Headline 4  
Headline 4 position  
Headline 5  
Headline 5 position  
Headline 6  
Headline 6 position  
Headline 7  
Headline 7 position  
Headline 8  
Headline 8 position  
Headline 9  
Headline 9 position  
Headline text color  
Household income  
ID [Location ID]  
Image [image file name, business image]  
Image 1  
Image 10  
Image 11  
Image 12  
Image 13  
Image 14  
Image 15  
Image 2  
Image 3  
Image 4  
Image 5  
Image 6  
Image 7  
Image 8  
Image 9  
Image URL  
Image URL [youtube video thumbnail url]  
InApp conversion actions  
InApp conversion actions [InApp conversions]  
Inventory filter  
Inventory type  
Keyword [keyword text]  
Label [Label name]  
Labels [Ad group labels]  
Labels [Campaign labels]  
Landing page  
Landscape image  
Landscape image [image, image file name]  
Landscape logo  
Languages [language, Language targeting]  
Link Text  
Link Text [display text, sitelink, sitelink text]  
Link Text [display text]  
Local Inventory Ads  
Location category filter  
Location label filter  
Logo 1  
Logo 2  
Logo 3  
Logo 4  
Logo 5  
Long headline  
Main color  
Marketing image  
Max CPC  
Max CPM  
Max CPV  
Maximum CPC bid limit  
Merchant Identifier  
Merchant Identifier [Merchant ID, Merchant]  
Mobile app category  
Mobile app category [Mobile category, Category]  
Mobile Bid Modifier  
Mobile Bid Modifier [mobile bid adjustment, Bid Modifier, bid adjustment]  
Monetary discount  
Networks [network targeting]  
Orders over amount  
Orders over amount [on orders over]  
Package name  
Parental status  
Parental status [Negative parental status]  
Path 1  
Path 2  
Percent discount  
Phone Number  
Phone Number [business phone, phone]  
Platform Targeting  
Platform Targeting [platform]  
Postal code  
Price 1  
Price 1 [Item 1 price]  
Price 2  
Price 2 [Item 2 price]  
Price 3  
Price 3 [Item 3 price]  
Price 4  
Price 4 [Item 4 price]  
Price 5  
Price 5 [Item 5 price]  
Price 6  
Price 6 [Item 6 price]  
Price 7  
Price 7 [Item 7 price]  
Price 8  
Price 8 [Item 8 price]  
Price prefix  
Price qualifier  
Product Group  
Product Group [Decision Path]  
Product Group Type  
Product Group Type [Partition Type]  
Promotion code  
Promotion end  
Promotion start  
Promotion target  
Promotion text  
Province [State]  
PV Name  
PV Name [pv, promoted video, promoted video name]  
Shopping ad  
Shopping ad [Promotion]  
Short headline  
Smart Shopping ad  
Snippet Values  
Square image  
Start Date  
Start Date [campaign start date]  
Status [creative status, ad status]  
Status [Keyword Status]  
Tablet Bid Modifier  
Tablet Bid Modifier [tablet bid adjustment]  
Target CPA  
Target CPA [CPA Bid, max cpa]  
Target CPM  
Target impression share  
Target ROAS  
Targeting method  
Targeting optimization  
Teaser description  
Title 1  
Title 1 color  
Title 2  
Title 2 color  
Title 3  
Title 3 color  
Title 4  
Title 4 color  
Title 5  
Title 5 color  
Title 6  
Title 6 color  
Top Content Bid Modifier  
Top Content Bid Modifier [top content bid adjustment]  
Tracking template  
Tracking template [Tracking url]  
Tracking template 1  
Tracking template 10  
Tracking template 11  
Tracking template 12  
Tracking template 13  
Tracking template 14  
Tracking template 15  
Tracking template 2  
Tracking template 3  
Tracking template 4  
Tracking template 5  
Tracking template 6  
Tracking template 7  
Tracking template 8  
Tracking template 9  
TV Screen Bid Modifier  
TV Screen Bid Modifier [tv screen bid adjustment]  
Unit 1  
Unit 1 [Item 1 price unit]  
Unit 2  
Unit 2 [Item 2 price unit]  
Unit 3  
Unit 3 [Item 3 price unit]  
Unit 4  
Unit 4 [Item 4 price unit]  
Unit 5  
Unit 5 [Item 5 price unit]  
Unit 6  
Unit 6 [Item 6 price unit]  
Unit 7  
Unit 7 [Item 7 price unit]  
Unit 8  
Unit 8 [Item 8 price unit]  
Universal app image 1  
Universal app image 10  
Universal app image 11  
Universal app image 12  
Universal app image 13  
Universal app image 14  
Universal app image 15  
Universal app image 16  
Universal app image 17  
Universal app image 18  
Universal app image 19  
Universal app image 2  
Universal app image 20  
Universal app image 3  
Universal app image 4  
Universal app image 5  
Universal app image 6  
Universal app image 7  
Universal app image 8  
Universal app image 9  
Universal app package name  
Universal app store  
Universal app video ID 1  
Universal app video ID 10  
Universal app video ID 11  
Universal app video ID 12  
Universal app video ID 13  
Universal app video ID 14  
Universal app video ID 15  
Universal app video ID 16  
Universal app video ID 17  
Universal app video ID 18  
Universal app video ID 19  
Universal app video ID 2  
Universal app video ID 20  
Universal app video ID 3  
Universal app video ID 4  
Universal app video ID 5  
Universal app video ID 6  
Universal app video ID 7  
Universal app video ID 8  
Universal app video ID 9  
Verification URL  
Video ID  
Video ID [video, youtube video id]  
Video ID 1  
Video ID 1 [video 1, youtube video id 1]  
Video ID 2  
Video ID 2 [video 2, youtube video id 2]  
Video ID 3  
Video ID 3 [video 3, youtube video id 3]  
Video ID 4  
Video ID 4 [video 4, youtube video id 4]  
Video ID 5  
Video ID 5 [video 5, youtube video id 5]  
Video ID 6  
Video ID 6 [video 6, youtube video id 6]  
Video ID 7  
Video ID 7 [video 7, youtube video id 7]  


The following read-only columns appear in CSV export files. If you include them in a CSV import file, Google Ads Editor ignores them:
  • First page CPC
  • Top of page CPC
  • Quality Score
  • Suggested changes
  • Approval status
  • Image size
  • All performance statistics columns, such as impressions, clicks, and CTR

If any of the following values appear in the "Status" columns, Google Ads Editor treats them as synonyms for Enabled: Active, Inactive, Disapproved, Normal, Pending, Ended.

Using CSV imports to make edits 

For each imported row, Google Ads Editor automatically decides whether to edit an existing item or create a new one. The decision is based on the set of columns that are best suited for distinguishing items. For example, keywords are distinguished by their campaign, ad group, keyword text, and match type. If an item exists with the same values in these identifying columns, then the imported row is processed as an edit.

You can choose which columns should be used to identify an existing item. Under your settings or application preferences, you can choose to “Include original columns in CSV/ZIP exports.” When you export a CSV file with this setting, you'll see an identifying column named #Original that holds the existing value of a field. The identifying column without the suffix, meanwhile, can be used to apply new values to be processed. The #Original column, and the values it holds, will be retained as a previous version.

When enabled, CSV exports will automatically generate #Original columns that are populated with the original values last synced from your Google Ads account. Additionally, users can specify an #Original column for any attribute of an item. In each case, the #Original values will be used to decide whether an existing item in the account is a match for the imported row.

If an existing item isn’t found, the item will be created. (Note: You’ll have an opportunity to review any changes before posting them). In the absence of any #Original columns, Google Ads Editor will continue to import CSV files as it has in the past.


An advertiser has multiple campaigns for running gear. She wants to change the wording in her text ad headlines from “sneakers” to “running shoes” without losing the historical metrics for the ads. Simply importing the rows with the new headlines would create a new set of ads. Instead, she can export the existing ads and create a new column called “Headline#Original” where she uses the existing headlines, and write new headlines in the "Headline" column. Those two columns might look something like this:

Headline#Original Headline
Jogging sneakers
Long distance sneakers
Children’s sneakers
Jogging running shoes
Long distance running shoes
Children’s running shoes

Assuming there haven’t been any changes in the other identifying columns, the result will be that the 3 existing ads under the "Headline#Original" column will be edited with new headlines in the "Headline" column. Meanwhile, for ad types that support version history, you can see how your ads in the "Headline#Original" column performed.

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