Edit ad group bids

You can edit your ad group bids one at a time, or you can update multiple ad groups at once.

Select and edit specific ad group bids

  1. Select Ad groups.
  2. Select one or more ad groups in the data view.
  3. Enter the new bids in the edit panel. When more than one ad group is selected, edits apply to all selected ad groups.

Import new ad group bids

To import new bids for existing ad groups, use CSV import or the Make multiple changes tool, and include columns for bids.

Advanced bid changes tool

The Advanced bid changes tool provides several ways to edit the bids of the ad groups that you've selected.

Note: Bid strategy overrides have been removed.

Why does a CPC ad group have CPM and CPA bids?

Bid strategies are editable in Google Ads Editor, and bids that weren't visible previously are now visible. For example, you might see CPM or CPA bids in a CPC ad group. If you remove these bids, you'll see an error. To avoid errors, simply ignore any bids that don't apply to an ad group's current bid strategy, rather than removing those bids.


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