About date and number formats

Date and number formats let you control how your data appears in Google Ads Editor. It provides some common formats to choose from but you can also define your own formats.

This article describes how to set up date and number formats in Google Ads Editor.

Set up date and number formats

You can set up date and number formats in Google Ads Editor through the following steps:

  1. Select Tools > Settings (Windows) or Google Ads Editor menu > Preferences (Mac).
  2. On the “Download and display” tab, under Date formats, select the required formats.
  3. Click OK.

Date format examples

The following table shows date format expressions, descriptions, and compatibility.


Output description

Short format compatible?

d The day as a number without a leading zero (1 to 31). Yes
dd The day as a number with a leading zero (01 to 31). Yes
ddd The abbreviated day name ('Mon' to 'Sun'). Only available for long date format. No
dddd The long day name ('Monday' to 'Sunday'). Only available for long date format. No
M The month as a number without a leading zero (1 to 12). Yes
MM The month as a number with a leading zero (01 to 12). Yes
MMM The abbreviated month name ('Jan' to 'Dec'). Only available for long date format. No
MMMM The long month name ('January' to 'December'). Only available for long date format. No
yy The year as a 2 digit number (00 to 99). Yes
yyyy The year as a 4 digit number. Yes

The following table shows example date patterns and their corresponding date, month, and year rendering.





M/d/yy 9/4/98
d/M/yy 4/9/98
MMMM d, yyyy September 4, 1998
MMM d yyyy Sep 4 1998
yyyy-MM-dd 1998-09-04
d.M.yyyy 4.9.1998
dddd MMMM d, yyyy Friday September 4, 1998
Note: For manual entries (not CSV import or add or update multiple), you can vary the date format slightly, as long as the year, month, and day units are in the same order as your OS date format. For example, suppose your OS uses the format M/D/Y. If you enter 01-31-2014, Google Ads Editor automatically reformats the date as 1/31/14. However, if you enter the units in a different order, such as 2014-01-31, Google Ads Editor prompts you to re-enter the date in the correct order.

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