Before you begin
You can only edit bid adjustments for locations at the campaign level. Devices and audience bid adjustments can be made at the campaign or ad group level. All other bid adjustments must be made only at the ad group level.
Before creating or editing bid adjustments, it's a good idea to learn how they interact and affect your bid. Learn more about bid adjustments for hotel campaigns
Edit bid adjustments for locations
If you want to adjust your bid for locations, you must have first created a targeted location. You can do this by clicking Hotel campaigns in the navigation menu, then Locations in the page menu, and clicking the pencil icon .
- In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon
- Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
- Click Campaigns.
- Click on the Workspace filter bar, and select Campaign type.
- Select the checkbox next to the Hotel and click Apply.
- Click the Audiences, keywords, and content drop down in the section menu.
- Click Locations.
- In the summary table, select the device or location adjustments you'd like to edit, then click Edit > Change bid adjustments. Enter the new bid adjustment, then click Apply.
Edit bid adjustments for commission, check-in day of week, check-in date, length of stay, traveler-set dates, or advanced booking window
Starting April 30, 2024, Commissions (per Stay) and Commissions (per Conversions) bid strategies will no longer be available for new Hotel Ads campaigns.
Active Hotel Ads campaigns with commissions-based bid strategies will continue to serve until February 20, 2025. Review Commission-based bid strategies in hotel ads to sunset to learn more about your next steps.
- In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon
- Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
- Click on the relevant campaign.
- Click Ad groups, then select the relevant ad group.
- Click the Assets drop down in the section menu, then click Hotels.
- Select the multiplier category you'd like to edit: commissions, check-in day of week, check-in date, length of stay, traveler-set dates, or advanced booking window.
- To edit an existing multiplier, click the pencil icon
in the "Bid Adj." column, enter the new value, and click Save.
- To add a multiplier, click the plus button
, enter your values, and click Save.
Edit bid adjustments for devices
- In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon
- Click the Insights and reports drop down in the section menu.
- Click When and where ads showed.
- Click Devices tab.
- On the filter bar, select Campaign or Ad group from the "Level" drop down.
- Select a campaign or ad group.
- In the "Bid adj." column, click the pencil icon
- Enter the new bid adjustment.
- Click Save.
Edit bid adjustments for audiences
- In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon
- Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
- Select a campaign or ad group.
- From the left page menu, click the Audiences, keywords, and content drop down in the section menu.
- Click Audiences.
- On the "Audience segments" card, click Show table.
- In the "Bid adj." column, click the pencil icon
- Enter the new bid adjustment.
- Click Save.
Related links
- Set bid adjustments with the Google Ads API
- About bid adjustments for hotel campaigns
- About bidding strategies for hotel ads