About remarketing reach

To see how often your ads are able to reach people on your remarketing lists, check out the "Remarketing reach" card in the "Overview" section. This set of stats will tell you what percent of your remarketing lists’ members were reached, and some of the factors that are limiting your reach.

The "remarketing reach" number is the aggregate metric from lists used at the ad group level.

This article describes what factors influence remarketing reach and how this metric can help you make sure your ads are reaching your audience.

Before you begin

If you're new to remarketing, it's best to start by reading About remarketing. To understand the basics of how reach is calculated on the Display Network, read View reach estimates on the Display Network.

How it works

"Remarketing reach" is calculated as the percentage of people across all of your remarketing lists that were shown your ads, out of all eligible list members. Remarketing reach measures across all of your lists at the campaign level. This percentage is influenced by a few different factors, including — but not limited to — the following:

  1. Other targeting methods. If you're using additional targeting methods, for example, demographic exclusions, to refine your audience, you may disqualify some list members from seeing your ads. Keep in mind that adding more targeting methods actually results in a smaller potential audience. Learn more about how Display Network targeting settings work.
  2. Your bids. To help make sure your ads can reach your entire list consistently, you can experiment with higher bids. To do this, try adjusting your ad group default bid.
  3. Your budget. Similarly to bid limitations, if your campaign runs out of budget, your ads can't reach your customers. Assess whether or not it makes sense for your business to adjust your average daily budget.
  4. Your ad formats. Using more, different ad formats and sizes allows your ads to appear in more places online, and reach more people. To automate ad creation in all available sizes, use responsive ads.

If you find that a considerable percentage of people on your lists aren't able to see your ads for one of the reasons above, try making adjustments to your campaign to fix it.

Keep in mind

Lists must have a minimum of 100 active visitors or users within the last 30 days for your ads to show. If the people on your list haven't been active online, they won't be able to see your ads. You can always adjust the length of time someone stays on your list. Learn more about membership duration

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