Phone number verification for call and location assets

Verify your phone numbers

For your assets to be approved, you'll need to show that the phone numbers in your ads are for the business being promoted.

Use either of the following methods to verify the phone number in your assets:

  1. Ensure the phone number used in your asset is present on the website featured in your ad. If the phone number appears in ads for different websites, then that phone number must appear on at least one page for each of those websites. The number must also appear in text and won't meet the policy if it appears as an image. Your phone number will be more easily detected and verified if it's featured on a landing page that's visited frequently. To increase the chances of our crawler detecting your phone number, ensure the number is in E.164 format in your website's source code. E.164 format example: [+] [country code] [phone number including area code] could be +15553334444.

    Example: Phone number on your website
    Status Result Reason
    Your phone number appears in text on your website ApprovedApproved Google could verify the phone number on your website.
    Your phone number appears in an image on your website, but isn't present in any text. DisapprovedDisapproved Your phone number must be present in the text of your website in order for Google to verify it.
    Your phone number appears in an image, but is also present in text on your website or as the alternate text for the image. ApprovedApproved Alternate text for images can also be used to verify your website.
    Example: Using a phone number with different websites

    Acme Sports Company has 2 websites: and The company doesn't use a conversion tracking tag or remarketing tags, and they don't have a Search Console account. Here's how this policy might affect their call assets or location assets that include a phone number.

    Phone number on website Phone number shown in ad Result

    Phone number only appears on

    The phone number is shown in ads featuring these landing pages:
    Disapproved Disapproved

    The phone number hasn't been verified, since it doesn't appear on at least one page within the website.

    Phone number appears on both of these landing pages:
    The phone number is shown with ads featuring these landing pages:
    Approved Approved

    The phone number has been verified since it appears on at least one other page within both and websites.

  2. Verify the phone number in your assets by proving ownership of your ad's display URL domain using any one of the methods below.

Fix an unverified or disapproved phone number

Call assets

When you’ve completed one of the verification options mentioned above, you can resubmit the ad or asset for review. Note that call assets don’t support appeal functionality. To trigger a new review after you’ve verified your phone number, take one of the following actions:

  • Make an edit to your asset
  • Copy and paste it
  • Create new assets
Location assets

After you’ve fixed an unverified phone number, it may take up to 3 days for our system to automatically detect and update its verification status.


  • If applicable, your account team may update your account's verification status on your behalf.
  • If you’re using third party call tracking, you can still verify your phone number by proving you own the domain.

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