About the ad review process

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To keep ads safe and appropriate for everyone, ads are reviewed to make sure they comply with Google Ads policies. Most ads are reviewed within one business day.

Your ads under review

Check your ad’s status and get help if you need it. Most reviews are completed within one business day, but more complex reviews can take longer.

How ad review works

After you create or edit an ad or asset, the review process begins automatically. The content in your ad will be reviewed, including your headline, description, keywords, destination, and any images and video.

If your ad passes the review, its status will change to "Eligible", and it will start to run. If the review indicates that your ad violates a policy, its status will change to "Disapproved", which means it can’t show anywhere. You’ll be notified of the policy violation and informed what you can do next.

Learn how to check the status of an ad.

Ad status is “Under review”

During the ad review process, the ad’s status will be "Under review". We review most ads within one business day, though some complex reviews may take longer. Google reserves the right to prioritize ad reviews or re-reviews to ensure the overall stability of system operations, or temporarily restrict ad serving to ensure policy compliance. If your ad is under review for more than 2 full business days, check your ad’s status.

How long ad review takes

  • Most ads are reviewed within 1 business day. However, some reviews take longer if the ad requires a more complex review.
  • If your ad is under review for more than 2 full business days, check your ad’s status.
  • Google reserves the right to prioritize ad reviews or re-reviews to ensure the overall stability of system operations, or temporarily restrict ad serving to ensure policy compliance.
How to start ads on a particular date

If you need your ad reviewed by a particular date, submit the ad several days in advance. To stop an ad from running as soon as its status is Eligible, pause the ad, ad group, or campaign. Paused ads are reviewed just like active ads. Learn how to pause or resume your ads

If you're also planning to launch a new webpage at the same time, that webpage will need to be complete for your ad to be reviewed.

To make sure that the new page stays hidden until your launch date:

Don't link to the new page on the rest of your website. If you were to link to the new page, then search engines might index it, and the page could start appearing in search results.

Configure your website’s "robots.txt" file. In your website’s robots.txt file, you can tell search engines not to index the page. Then once you’re ready to launch, remove the change. Learn more about configuring your robots.txt file

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