Salesforce integration upgrade FAQ

This article addresses frequently asked questions about migrating from the legacy integration with Salesforce to Google Ads Conversion Import for Salesforce.
Legacy Salesforce integration will no longer be supported by March 2025. To continue importing Salesforce data, use Data manager.
Note: This change only applies to customers using the legacy integration with Salesforce. You can check if you have a legacy integration by looking at your Google Ads account. If you are not using the tab called “Salesforce” under Goals > Conversions, you’re not using the legacy integration with Salesforce, and you can disregard this. If you are using the tab called “Salesforce” under Goals > Conversions, or if you see “Salesforce” on the list of import sources while creating a new conversion action from import, you’re using the legacy integration with Salesforce, and this article applies to you.

What is Google Ads Conversion Import for Salesforce?

Google Ads Conversion Import for Salesforce is an integration with Salesforce which allows you to manage your offline conversion actions directly in Google Ads. In the Google Ads UI, this experience moves integration management from the Salesforce page to the new Data manager page. Note that your existing conversion actions will still be available to you.

How is the integration with Salesforce being upgraded?

Conversion actions using the legacy integration with Salesforce are automatically being migrated to a new conversion import experience, known as Google Ads Conversion Import for Salesforce.

The upgraded experience lets you do the following:

  • Set up enhanced conversions for leads, which helps you understand the impact of your ad spend.
  • Use custom fields from your Salesforce account to define events.
  • Map, transform, and hash source fields to destination fields from the UI.

The following sections describe the changes you will experience, depending on how you currently use Salesforce.

I use the legacy integration with Salesforce and have active conversion actions

If you received a notification prompting you to upgrade to Data Manager, refer to “Manual migration”.

Automatic migration

In most cases, conversion actions from the legacy integration with Salesforce will be migrated to Data Manager in their current state, with any configured schedules. The upgrade will happen automatically, and you will be notified in Google Ads when it is completed. Deleted conversion actions will not be migrated. When the migration is complete, you can manage your Salesforce connections from the Data manager page in Google Ads. Your migrated conversion actions will still be on the conversions Summary page.

Manual migration

If you’re using the legacy integration with Salesforce and you received a notification prompting you to upgrade to Data Manager, follow these steps to manually migrate your conversion actions to Data Manager.

Step 1: Create a new Data manager connection to Salesforce

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Tools icon Tools Icon.
  2. Select Data manager.
  3. Under the “Connected products” tab, look for the banner “Enhance your advertising with connected products and first-party data”, then click + Connect Product.
    1. If Salesforce is already listed under “Connected products”, you can expand the Salesforce connection card and click +Add to set up a new connection. You can proceed to Step 3 to create a conversion action.
  4. Search and select “Salesforce”, then click Direct connection.
  5. Click Authorize, then a pop-up will be displayed prompting you to log in to your Salesforce Admin account. Complete the login process.
  6. Once successfully authenticated, the Authorize button will display “Data source connected”.
  7. Under the “Use case” section, select Conversions.
  8. Check the Terms of Service under “Customer data”, acknowledging compliance with EU user consent and Customer data policies, then click Continue.

Step 2: Set up new data integration

  1. In the “Data selection” section, select your SObject from the dropdown menu, either Lead or Opportunity.
  2. Use the Filter to apply conditions to narrow down your data configuration, such as setting Status to “Open - Not Contacted”.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Map the required fields, specifically the GCLID.
  5. Review the details of the connection setup and click Finish.

Step 3: Create your conversion action

  1. You will now see your newly connected Salesforce product in the Data manager screen. Under “Usage”, find the connection you just created. It should have a “New” indicator next to it then click + Add conversion action.
  2. Select a Conversion goal, then click Add.
  3. Click Save and Continue.
  4. This will redirect you to the Google Ads > Goals > Conversions > Summary tab, where you have now linked and created your conversion action from Salesforce.

You can continue to add more conversion actions, either Lead or Opportunity, by clicking + Add under Data manager > Connected products > Salesforce.

Step 4: Switch biddable conversions

  1. Monitor conversion reporting to ensure the numbers are expected and consistent with your old one.
  2. Make changes to biddability when ready. Mark the old one as “Secondary” and the new one as “Primary”.
  3. Monitor performance and adjust targets if needed.

Step 5: Stop legacy Salesforce integration

  1. From the “Conversion” summary page, find and select the conversion action linked to your old Salesforce connection.
  2. In the “Details” page, click the clickable text in “Accounts & Milestones”.
  3. In the “Accounts” page, scroll down to “Import Schedule” section and set it to “Not Scheduled”.
  4. Click Save to confirm your changes.

Enhanced Conversions for Leads

It is recommended that you set up enhanced conversions for leads and create a new connection to Salesforce to import your data into Google Ads. Upgrading your Salesforce measurement to enhanced conversions for leads will help improve your measurement accuracy and unlock better bidding performance.

I use the legacy integration with Salesforce and deleted all my conversion actions

If all of your conversion actions are deleted, your legacy integration will not be upgraded automatically. However, we encourage you to set up enhanced conversions for leads and create a new connection to Salesforce to import your data into Google Ads. Once you have created a new connection to Salesforce, you can recreate your deleted conversion actions.

I use Data Manager to import conversions from Salesforce

You will not see any changes and there is no action for you to take.

What do I need to do to upgrade to the new experience?

Once the migration is complete, you can find and manage your upgraded Salesforce connections in the Data manager page in the Google Ads UI.

How will my data be affected?

Your upgraded Salesforce connections will be in the same state (scheduled or not scheduled) they were before. While some customers may see new conversion actions created as part of the upgrade. The Expected Revenue value will be preserved for opportunities, but this parameter is not supported for leads.

Why am I unable to edit my legacy milestones and conversion actions?

During the upgrade, any changes that may impact the process will be disallowed, including making changes to legacy integration milestone mappings and editing conversion actions. You will still be able to unlink your Salesforce account. When the upgrade is complete, you will be able to manage your Salesforce connections from the Data manager page. You will be able to manage your new conversion actions from the Conversions page.

Why am I seeing more conversion actions than I had before the migration?

The legacy integration with Salesforce could import data from both a lead and an opportunity into one conversion action. In the new integration with Salesforce, each connection is linked to exactly one Salesforce object - either a lead or an opportunity. The upgrade creates one conversion action for each Salesforce object. The migration also creates one Salesforce connection on the Data manager page for each Salesforce object.

What is Google Ads Data Manager?

Data Manager is a data import and management tool with a point-and-click UI experience that lets you bring your customer data from outside of Google and activate it in Google Ads. It centralizes data management in the Data manager page in Google Ads, so you can connect a data source once, then activate it across a number of use cases. Learn more About Google Ads Data Manager.

Where did the Salesforce page go?

Now that you've migrated to the new integration with Salesforce, you can find and manage your migrated Salesforce connections in the Connected products section under Data manager in the Google Ads UI.

How do I modify the schedule of my migrated daily pipeline, which is running on a different schedule than before?

You can modify your Salesforce connection schedule through the “Data manager” page or the “Conversions summary” page in Google Ads. Learn more about editing a connection schedule.

Modify your connection schedule through the “Data manager” page

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Tools icon Tools Icon.
  2. Click Data manager.
  3. Under “Connected products”, locate and click on your Salesforce connection.
  4. In the “Connection details” section, click on Edit schedule.
  5. Update the “Start Time” field with your preferred schedule and click Save.

Modify your connection schedule through the “Conversions summary” page

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon Goals Icon.
  2. Click the Conversions drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Summary.
  4. Locate and click the name of your conversion action connected with Salesforce.
  5. Under “Data integration”, click Manage.
  6. In the “Connection details” section, click on Edit schedule.
  7. Update the “Start Time” field with your preferred schedule and click Save.

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