A new way to help you measure the impact of recommendations

October 4, 2022

Recommendations can help you improve performance with customized suggestions based on your performance history, campaign settings, trends across Google and more. However, we’ve heard feedback from many of you that it can be hard to understand the impact of applying a recommendation to your account. To help you isolate and measure this impact, you can now apply a recommendation as an experiment in the Experiments page.

Screenshot of experiments in the Google Ads UI
Create an experiment based off of a recommendation in one click

In as few as two clicks, you can set up an experiment where you compare your base campaign to a trial campaign which will have the recommendation applied. 

Screenshot of the experiment setup process in the Google Ads UI
The experiment setup process

After you create your experiment, we recommend you monitor your results within the Experiments page for 4-6 weeks. Once the experiment has concluded, you can apply the results by either converting your trial campaign into a new campaign or by transferring the learnings to your original campaign.

Screenshot of the experiment progress report
Progress report for an active experiment, as well as an option to apply or end the experiment

Pegasus logo

Many businesses are already using one-click experiments to test out new strategies in their campaigns. For example, Pegasus Airlines, a low cost airline in Turkey, was looking to increase flight sales and lower their overall cost per acquisition. To do this, the airline tested broad match and Smart Bidding through a one-click experiment. As a result, Pegasus saw 100% more conversions with a 160% higher conversion value (revenue) when compared to its base campaigns with exact match keywords.

Currently, this functionality is available for broad match and target return on advertising spend recommendations. We’ll continue to roll out support for more recommendation types on the Experiments page in the coming months. To set your experiment up for success, we recommend that you follow our best practices guide to create, manage, and optimize your experiments. Learn more about recommendations and the Experiments page in the Google Ads Help Center.

Posted by Danielle Jenks & Natalie Wertz, Product Managers, Google Ads

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