
Google Glass Explorer Edition is no longer available. Click here to learn more about Google Glass Enterprise Edition.

Recovery Mode

If Glass crashes or gets stuck on the boot screen, you can execute the Recovery Mode. This is more of a last resort and should be used sparingly.

To access Recovery Mode, turn off Glass. Hold the camera button, then press the power button once. Continue to hold the camera button for about 10 seconds, and Glass will go into Recovery Mode.

In Recovery Mode, you have the option to:

  1. Reboot normally
  2. Reboot into fastboot (This is mainly used by developers)
  3. Factory reset (Removes your account, pictures, videos, and Glass settings from this device. If your Glass is having issues, this will give you a fresh start. Warning: If your pictures and videos haven’t been synced to Auto Backup, they will be erased. If you want to keep them, connect Glass to your computer using the USB cable and manually transfer the files.)
  4. Sideline from adb (Also for developers)

Navigation in Recovery Mode is done with the camera button. Press it once to highlight the next option, and hold it for two seconds to select the item.

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