
Google Glass Explorer Edition is no longer available. Click here to learn more about Google Glass Enterprise Edition.


How much is Glass?

Glass is £1,000.

VAT is included in the price. Bulk purchases and payment plans are not available yet. Purchases are limited to one per Google Account. Glass is available for individual purchase only and there are no bulk discounts available for businesses. We love a good deal too, but sadly we're not offering discounts right now.

Is Glass indestructible?


Glass is robust, stable and built to fit into your life. But you might break it if you don't handle it with care. Protect your Glass by using the pouch that we've provided, or another carrying case that you trust to keep Glass safe, dry and awesome.

Is Glass useful everywhere?

Like everything, there is a time and a place.

Glass is designed for micro-interactions, not for staring into the screen, watching Friday night film marathons or reading "War and Peace". It might be harder to hear Glass or use voice input commands in noisy areas, and it might be harder to see the Glass screen in bright sunlight. Also, you may be in certain places like a doctor's surgery where those around you don't feel comfortable being photographed or captured on video. Always consider your surroundings – just like you would with a mobile phone. Above all, be considerate.

Can I use Glass while driving or cycling?

It depends on where you are and how you use it.

Read up and follow the law! Above all, even when you're following the law, don't hurt yourself or others by failing to pay attention to the road. The same goes for cycling: whether or not any laws limit your use of Glass, always be careful.

Can everyone use Glass?

Glass isn't for everyone.

Like when wearing glasses, some people may feel eye strain or get a headache. If you've had Lasik surgery, ask your doctor about risks of eye impact damage before using Glass. Don't let children under 13 use Glass as it could harm developing vision. Also, kids might break Glass or hurt themselves, and Google's terms of service don't permit those under 13 to register a Google account. If Glass is not for you and you wish to return it, do so before the end of the applicable refund period.

Can I use Glass while operating a jackhammer?

Use caution.

Glass can't protect your eyes from flying debris, balls, sharp objects or chemical explosions. Using Glass while operating heavy or inherently dangerous equipment, or engaging in physical sports, could distract you, cause Glass to impact your eye and lead you to harm yourself or others. So play your one-on-one Glass free.

Is it OK to go scuba diving with Glass?

Uhhh... no.

Don't let the Glass device or battery come in contact with liquids. Liquids can get into the electronic components, leading to corrosion.

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