
Thank you for over a decade of innovation and partnership. As of March 15, 2023, we will no longer sell Glass Enterprise Edition. We will continue supporting Glass Enterprise Edition until September 15, 2023. For more information, visit the Announcement FAQ.

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Set date, time, and time zone

These cards have been added in firmware version OPM1.210425.001.

Automatic date & time

The Automatic date & time card shows if this option is enabled or disabled.

Tap to toggle the state of this option.

Time zone

The Time zone card shows which time zone is currently set on the device.

Tap to change the time zone.

To select the new time zone, move your finger forward or backward on the touchpad, and then tap again to confirm.


The Date card shows what date is currently set on the device. To change the date manually, automatic date & time has to be disabled.

Tap to change the date.

To enter the new year, month, and day, move your finger forward or backward on the touchpad, and then tap to confirm each one.


The Time card shows what time is currently set on the device. To change the time manually, automatic date & time has to be disabled.

Tap to change the time.

To enter the new hour, minutes, and time of day, move your finger forward or backward on the touchpad, and then tap to confirm each one.

Time format

The Time format card shows which time format is currently set on the device.

Tap to change the time format between 12-hour and 24-hour.

To select the new time format, move your finger forward or backward on the touchpad, and then tap again to confirm.

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