
Thank you for over a decade of innovation and partnership. As of March 15, 2023, we will no longer sell Glass Enterprise Edition. We will continue supporting Glass Enterprise Edition until September 15, 2023. For more information, visit the Announcement FAQ.

Find information about the device

You can find information about the device in the settings on the "About device" card.

Find the firmware version

Information about the firmware version is displayed on the "About device" card using the format: "OPM1.YYMMDD.PPP"

Find the serial number

The device serial number is an alphanumeric string with 16 characters.

To find the serial number:

  • Scan or read it off of the inner side of your Glass Enterprise Edition's pod.
  • Find it under the build ID on the "About device" card in settings.
  • Connect the device to a computer. Enter this command in a terminal window to list the serial numbers of any connected devices: adb devices

Find the available storage space

Information about the available storage space is displayed on the "About device" card.

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