You can save info about your life, work, or preferences, to get more helpful responses in Gemini Apps, or ask Gemini to look at past chats before responding.
Important: We're gradually releasing the ability to reference past chats in the Gemini mobile app, so it might not be available to you just yet. If you're unable to save info in the mobile app yet, you can use the Gemini web app.
What you need
- A personal Google Account with Gemini Advanced. For now, these features aren't available to users with a work or school Google Account.
- For now, these features are only available in English.
- For now, these features can’t be used in Gemini Live conversations. In a text chat, you can ask Gemini to reference a past Gemini Live conversation.
Save info & preferences
How to save info
- Go to
- Go to Settings
Saved info.
- Click Add.
- Enter what you want Gemini Apps to remember.
- Click Submit.
Tip: When you chat with Gemini Apps, you can also ask Gemini to remember info during a conversation. This information will be stored in your Saved info.
Find, edit, or delete saved info
- Go to
- Go to Settings
Saved info.
- Find the info that you want to view, edit, or delete.
- Click More
- To edit info, click Edit
- To delete info, click Delete
- To edit info, click Edit
Turn saved info on or off
- Go to
- Go to Settings
Saved info.
- Next to Info you asked Gemini to Save, turn the setting off
or on
Learn more about saved info
Ask Gemini to look at past chats
Important: To ask Gemini to reference past chats, you must have Gemini Apps Activity on.
To have Gemini look at a past chat in a new chat, you can mention topics or timeframes of past chats.
- Summarize our discussions of the solar system.
- What was the gift we decided on for my son’s classmate’s birthday?
How to tell if Gemini used past chats
If Gemini used past chats in a response, you'll find "Previous chats" in the "Sources and related content" at the bottom of the response. Gemini may occasionally make mistakes and display this label incorrectly.