You can search and share anything from your mobile device, like nearby restaurants, videos, or weather forecasts.
Important: Gboard is available for iPhones and iPads with iOS 9 and up.
- On your iPhone or iPad, install Gboard.
- Open any app that you can type with, like Gmail or Keep.
- Tap where you can enter text.
- At the top of the keyboard, tap Google
- In the search bar, type your request.
- Tap an instant result or Search.
- In the search results, tap the card you want to share. A title and link to the web page will be added to the message field.
- To send an image of the card, tap the message field
Search for an image
- On your iPhone or iPad, follow steps 1–5 above.
- At the bottom of the screen, tap Image
- Tap the image you want to share.
- Tap the message field