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Set up a Firebase Remote Config project

Override app parameters from the Firebase Console.
In this article:

You can set up your app to use Firebase Remote Config with in-app default values, deploy your app, and then later set up the Firebase project associated with your app to override those values. To learn more about Remote Config, see Remote Config introduction.

Add or edit a parameter

  1. On the Firebase console navigation bar, click Remote Config.
  2. Add a parameter or choose a parameter to edit:
    • To add a parameter: Click Add Parameter.
    • To edit a parameter: Click the parameter you want to change.
  3. In the Parameter field, enter (or edit) the name of the parameter. This must be the same as a Remote Config parameter key that you use in an app that is associated with this project.
  4. In the Default Value field, enter (or edit) the server-side default value for the parameter, or leave it as an empty string.

    Note: You can also click the Other empty values list and choose No value to create a parameter with no server-side default value. This means that apps that use this parameter will use the in-app default value for this parameter. However, a conditional value will still override the in-app default if the associated condition evaluates to true.

  5. (Optional) To add conditional values for the parameter, click Add value for condition, and then select a condition or click Create New Condition. Follow the instructions provided below under Add or edit a condition to add a condition. Then, enter the conditional value.

    Note: When more than one condition associated with a parameter's conditional values evaluates to true, the first condition shown on the Conditions tab takes priority. You can change the priority of conditions.

  6. To save changes to the parameter click Add Parameter or Update.
  7. Click Publish to publish changes to the Remote Config settings for this project, making those changes available to apps that use this project.

Add or edit a condition

You can add or edit conditions after you add your first parameter, or while adding or editing parameters.

  1. On the Firebase console navigation bar, click Remote Config, and then click Conditions.
  2. Add a condition or choose a condition to edit:
    • To add a condition: Click New Condition.
    • To edit a condition: Click the condition you want to change.
  3. In the Define a new condition dialog, enter (or edit) the title for your condition.
  4. (Optional) Select a color that you can use to keep this condition and similar conditions organized.
  5. Under Applies if…, do the following to update your condition:
    • Click add (+) to add a rule to the condition.

      For each rule, choose the rule type, an operator (if available), and a value. See Parameters and conditions for information about the different types of available rules.

    • Edit existing rules by changing the rule type, operator or value.
    • Click delete (x) to remove a rule from the condition.
  6. To save changes to the condition click Create Condition or Update Condition.
  7. Click Publish to publish changes to the Remote Config settings for this project, making those changes available to apps that use this project.

Change the priority of a condition

A parameter will often have more than one conditional value with a condition that evaluates to true. To determine which value is applied to a parameter, conditions are prioritized with the top condition overriding conditions shown in a lower position on screen. You can change the priority a conditions by reordering it on the Conditions tab.

  1. On the Firebase console navigation bar, click Remote Config, and then click Conditions.
  2. Use the double line handle (=) to drag the condition to a new position.
  3. Click Publish to publish changes to the Remote Config settings for this project, making those changes available to apps that use this project.

Delete a parameter or condition

  1. On the Firebase console navigation bar, click Remote Config.
  2. Click Parameters or Conditions.
  3. Click the parameter or a condition, and then click the trash can icon in the lower left corner.
  4. Click Publish to publish changes to the Remote Config settings for this project, making those changes available to apps that use this project.

You can search your project's parameter keys, parameter values, and conditions from the Firebase console using the search box at the top of the Remote Config Parameters tab. This full-text search feature is case-sensitive.

  1. On the Firebase console navigation bar, click Remote Config.
  2. Click Parameters, and then enter your search term in the search box at the top of the Parameters tab.

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