Manage your call interactions more efficiently. You can:
- Forward calls from specific contacts to your linked phone numbers or directly to voicemail.
- Play custom voicemail greetings to certain contacts.
- Choose to screen calls from specific contacts.
Before you start
On a mobile device, you can view rules. To create, edit, or delete rules, on a computer, go to
Create a rule
- On a computer, go to Google Voice.
- At the top right, click Settings
- On the left, click Calls.
- Under “Custom call forwarding,” click Create a rule.
- Enter the contact(s) you want to create a rule for. In the search bar, search for contacts or contact labels.
- Customize the rule. You can forward calls to one or more of your linked numbers or directly to voicemail, play a custom voicemail greeting, and screen calls.
- Click Save.
Tip: You can manage contacts and contact labels at If you change someone’s phone number in Google Contacts, update your rules for the new number.
Customize a rule
You can add features to rules for individuals or group contacts.
Forward calls to linked numbers
You can forward calls to your linked phone numbers.
- Create a rule, or edit an existing one.
- Under “Take the following action,” click Forward calls.
- Under “Forward to these numbers,” choose the linked number you want to use to receive calls from the contact or contact group.
- At the bottom, click Save.
Tip: Devices turned on under "My devices" in your account level settings will ring.
Forward calls to voicemail
You can forward calls from specific contacts directly to voicemail.
- Create a rule, or edit an existing one.
- Under “Take the following action,” click Send to voicemail.
- At the bottom, click Save.
Play a custom voicemail greeting
You can play custom voicemail greetings to certain contacts.
- Create a rule, or edit an existing one.
- Under “If the call isn’t answered, play this voicemail greeting,” make a voicemail greeting selection.
- At the bottom, click Save.
Screen calls
- Create a rule, or edit an existing one.
- Under “Screen the call,” choose a call screen option:
- To let Google Voice decide whether to screen the call, click No preference.
- To hear the name of the caller before you answer, click Always screen.
- To turn off call screen, click Never screen.
- At the bottom, click Save.
Edit a rule
- On a computer, go to Google Voice.
- At the top right, click Settings
- On the left, click Calls.
- Under “Custom call forwarding,” click Manage rules.
- Next to the rule, click Edit rule
- To add or delete rules for contacts or contact groups, next to the name, click Change.
- At the bottom, click Save.
Delete a rule
- On a computer, go to Google Voice.
- In the top right, click Settings
- On the left, click Calls.
- Under “Custom call forwarding,” click Manage rules.
- Next to the rule, click More actions
View rules
Important: To create, edit, or delete rules, on a computer, visit
You can view rules from your mobile device.
- Open the Google Voice app
- At the top left, tap Menu
- Under "Custom call forwarding," tap Manage rules.
iPhone & iPad
View rules
Important: To create, edit, or delete rules, on a computer, visit
You can view rules from your mobile device.
- Open the Google Voice app
- At the top left, tap Menu
- Under "Custom call forwarding," tap Manage rules.
Learn about rules
Rules are applied to a contact or contact group in the order listed on the “Manage rules” page. If a contact has multiple rules, only the first rule in the list applies.
To rearrange the rules in a certain order:
- On a computer, go to Google Voice.
- At the top right, click Settings
- On the left, click Calls.
- Under “Custom call forwarding,” click Manage rules.
- Next to the rule, click More actions
- Select an option:
- Move up in the list.
- Move down in the list.
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