Get a new GFiber Phone number

You can get a new GFiber Phone number to make and receive calls on your phone.

To get a new GFiber Phone number:

  1. Sign in to GFiber . You’ll see your account page.
  2. Under Plan details, click Change plan.
    The GFiber customer portal home tab. The "Change plan" button is circled in red.
  3. In the Overview section, under Additional services, click Add to plan next to Phone.The "Plan Details" page within the GFiber customer portal. Google Fiber Phone is available under "Additional services," and the "Add to plan" button is circled in red.

    You'll be directed to select a new number. Once completed, GFiber Phone will use the number you selected.

    If you want a new GFiber Phone number, and you already have a Google Voice number, your Google Voice number is released/canceled by default when you sign up for a new number (and there's no getting it back). If you want a new GFiber Phone number, and you want to continue using your existing Google Voice number, you must use or create another Google account to use with GFiber Phone.

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