Push Provisioning API Access RequestThank you for contacting Push Provisioning API support. This form will initiate the Push Provisioning API Access process. You may request access for any app package names needed for your development and testing, in addition to your regular production app. Submit this form separately for each app package name with a different SHA256 Fingerprint. For Access usecases you can also use this form to submit your OAuth 2 Client Ids for web provisioning. Submit the form separately for each OAuth client ID that you want to Allowlist.* Required fieldFirst name *Last name *Email address *Please enter a valid email address. You must provide a corporate email address so that we can associate this API access request with a signed contract. Personal email accounts (i.e. gmail, yahoo, msn, etc.) cannot be associated with a contract and therefore will not be given access. Company name *Choose your Google Wallet use case: *?Visit the Google Wallet developer's site for more information about these use cases.Note: The Access option refers to non-payments use cases such as IDs, badges, and car keys. Please choose the option that is most applicable to your business to reduce turnaround time.Payments cardTravel or TransitAccessChoose your type of integration: *App integrationWeb integrationBothWeb Integration: OAuth 2.0 Google Client ID *For example: XXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.apps.googleusercontent.com. The value for this field is the same as the client id sent in the authentication request to Google. Web integration environment *ProductionSandboxBothSelect the option which best describes your company: *Card IssuerBIN Sponsor or Program Manager working on behalf of a financial company or card issuerFinancial company or card issuer operating under a BIN Sponsor or Program ManagerThird party developer working on behalf of a card issuerSomething elseName of financial company or card issuer using the app package: *Does the financial company or card issuer have a signed CTA agreement with Google? *YesNoDo you (BIN Sponsor or Program Manager) have a signed CTA agreement with Google and consider this financial company or card issuer a sub-entity? *YesNoName of card issuer using the app package: *Name of POC at card issuer *Email address of POC at card issuer: *Does your company have a signed CTA agreement with Google? *YesNoDoes your BIN/Sponsor or Program Manager have a signed CTA agreement with Google? *YesNoName of BIN Sponsor or Program Manager: *App package name *App package environment *ProductionSandboxBothIf you would like to include fingerprints, please include them below:?App package fingerprints are not required, but enhance the security of your application. If you choose to incorporate a fingerprint but do not provide it to us through this form, you will most likely receive a 15009 error during the push provisioning flow.Fingerprint should be SHA256, not SHA1Example: X0:X1:X2:X3:X4:X5:X6:X7:X8:X9:XX:X0:X1:X2:X3:X4:X5:X6:X7:X8: X9:XX:X0:X1:X2:X3:X4:X5:X6:X7:X8:X9Include your fingerprints in SHA-256 format: *Example: X0:X1:X2:X3:X4:X5:X6:X7:X8:X9:XX:X0:X1:X2:X3:X4:X5:X6:X7:X8: X9:XX:X0:X1:X2:X3:X4:X5:X6:X7:X8:X9Target Launch DateName of transit partner (if applicable):Please select the appropriate network(s) *American ExpressDiscoverMastercardVisaInteracOtherOther network name *Describe your situation * 0/1000 You must have a signed CTA Agreement in place with Google Pay for us to process this request. No app packages can be added to the Push Provisioning API without this step complete. Either the card issuer or the BIN Sponsor or program manager must have a signed CTA Agreement in place with Google Pay for us to process this request. No app packages can be added to the Push Provisioning API without this step complete. The card issuer must have a signed CTA Agreement in place with Google Pay for us to process this request. Also, we will need a letterhead or email directly from the issuer to ensure they have approved a third party to work on this integration on their behalf. No app packages can be added to the Push Provisioning API without this verification complete. The card issuer must have a signed CTA Agreement in place with Google Pay for us to process this request. No app packages can be added to the Push Provisioning API without this step complete. SubmitSubmittedEdit requestDownload submissionSome account and system information will be sent to Google, and support calls and chats may be recorded. We will use this information to improve support quality and training, to help address technical issues, and to improve our products and services, subject to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Translation services may be used in chats and email.Your email has been sentThank you for taking the time to contact us. We will contact you if we need more information or if we have new information for you. Edit requestDownload submission