When you search for products, you can get insights into the price history of an item and understand general trends in item pricing.
This feature is available to shoppers in the US.
Find price insights
On the shopping product page, you can find the price insights for that product. It shows if a product's price is low, typical, or high, and how its price changed in recent months.
Our assessment of a product’s typical price is based on info from sellers across the web, not just from options available on Google Shopping.
- Go to shopping.google.com.
- Search for any product.
- Click the Shopping tab.
- On the page, select any product.
- Scroll to the price insights section. It shows if the product's price is lower, typical, or higher than normal.
Find products with prices at their 30-day low
Important: This feature doesn't predict how a price may change in the future.
On the search results page and the product page, you can find if a particular price has recently dropped to its 30-day low. This info is based on the item’s total price, which usually consists of item price, discount, and shipping cost.