Open your Google Drive folder as a teacher

This article is for teachers.

Work you create in Classroom saves to your class's Google Drive folder. In Drive, you can view, organize, and create files and folders. 

You can open your class Drive on web or mobile versions of Classroom.

Note: If a student unenrolls from a class, work they turned in remains in your class Drive.

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. In the top-left corner, tap Menu .
  3. Scroll down and tap Classroom folders .
  4. Tap the folder for a specific class.
    Note: If you changed the name of your class, the original name shows in Drive until you update it in Drive.
  5. Choose an option:
    • To see your files for an assignment, tap the assignment’s folder.
    • To see your individual files, scroll down past the folders.
  6. (Optional) To go back to the folders for all your classes, at the top, tap Back .

For more Drive instructions, go to the Drive Help Center

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