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Create or reuse a rubric for an assignment

This article is for teachers.

In Classroom, you can create, reuse, and grade with rubrics for individual assignments. You can also export rubrics to share them with other teachers. 

You can give feedback with scored or unscored rubrics. If a rubric is scored, students see their scores when you return their assignments.

Add or view a rubric

Rubric overview

For your reference, this image shows a finished rubric with the parts labelled.
Labelled rubric
Number Name Description Example
1 Criterion title The name of a criterion you're evaluating Introduction
2 Criterion description A brief description of the criterion’s focus The opening paragraph of your essay
3 Level title Under a criterion, the title of a specific performance level. A word, phrase, letter, or number. Excellent
4 Level description Under a criterion, a description of the expectations or characteristics for a specific performance level Uses several introduction strategies to engage the reader and present the topic. Establishes appropriate tone. Includes a clear, well-developed thesis statement.
5 Total rubric points The total points available for the rubric 100
6 Total criterion points The total points available for a criterion 20
7 Level points The points available for a specific criterion level 5

Create a rubric

You can create up to 50 criteria per rubric and up to 10 performance levels per criterion. 

Note: Before you can create a rubric, the assignment must have a title.

  1. On a computer, go to
  2. Click the classand thenClasswork.
  3. Create an assignment with a title and then click Rubric and then Create rubric.
  4. (Optional) To turn off scoring for the rubric, next to Use scoring, click the switch to Off .
  5. (Optional) If you use scoring, next to Sort the order of points by, select Descending or Ascending.
    Note: With scoring, you can add performance levels in any order. The levels automatically arrange by point value. 
  6. Under Criterion title, enter a criterion, such as Grammar, Teamwork, or Citations.
  7. (Optional) To add a criterion description, under Criterion description, enter the description. 
  8. Under Points, enter the number of points awarded for the performance level.
    Note: The rubric's total score automatically updates as you add points.
  9. Under Level title, enter a title for the performance level, such as Excellent, Full mastery, or Level A.
  10. Under Description, enter the expectations for the level.
  11. (Optional) To add another performance level to the criterion, click Add a level  and repeat steps 8–10.
  12. (Optional) To add another criterion, choose an option:
    • To add a blank criterion, in the lower-left corner, click Add a criterion and repeat steps 6–11.
    • To copy a criterion, in a criterion’s box, click More and thenDuplicate criterion and repeat steps 6–11.
  13. (Optional) To rearrange criteria, in a criterion’s box, click More and thenMove criterion up or Move criterion down.
  14. Click Save.

Reuse a rubric

You can reuse rubrics you previously created. You can preview the rubric you want to reuse, and then edit it in your new assignment. Your edits don’t affect the original rubric. To reuse a rubric, your new assignment needs a title.

  1. On a computer, go to
  2. Click the class and then Classwork.
  3. Create an assignment with a title and then click Rubric and then Reuse rubric.
  4. Choose an option:
    • To use a rubric from the same class, under Select rubric, click a title.
    • To select a rubric from another class, from the class menu, enter a class name and click a title or click the Down arrow and then select a class and then click a title.
  5. (Optional) To view or edit the rubric, click Preview and then choose an option:
    • To edit the rubric, click Select and Edit and then make your changes and then click Save.
    • To preview other available rubrics in the class, click Back or Next .
  6. Click Select.

Add a rubric to an existing assignment

  1. On a computer, go to
  2. Click the class and then Classwork and then the assignment.
  3. At the top, click More and then Edit.
  4. On the right, click Rubric and choose an option:
    • Create rubric
    • Reuse rubric
    • Import from Sheets

See an assignment’s rubric

  1. On a computer, go to
  2. Click the class and then Classwork.
  3. Click the assignment and then at the bottom, click the rubric.

    Tip: If you don't see a rubric, your teacher hasn't added one to the assignment yet.

  4. (Optional) To see or hide all criteria,  click Expand criteria  or Collapse criteria .
  5. (Optional) To see or hide individual criteria, click the Down arrow or Up arrow
You can grade a rubric from the Student work page or the grading tool. For instructions, go to Grade with a rubric.
Share rubrics with export and import
To share a Classroom rubric with a teacher outside your class, you first need to export it to Google Sheets. When you export a rubric, it saves to the Rubric Exports folder in your class Google Drive folder. You can then share the file or folder with a teacher so they can import your rubric into their assignment.
After importing the rubric, the teacher can edit it in their assignment. The edits don’t affect the original rubric. Teachers shouldn’t edit the rubric in the Rubric Exports folder.
Note: You can only import rubrics that were created and exported in Classroom. Exported rubrics save as Google Sheets in your Rubric Exports folder. Don't edit the spreadsheets or change the file format, or the rubrics won’t import properly.

Export a rubric to share it:

  1. Go to and click Sign In.

    Sign in with your Google Account. For example, or you@gmail.comLearn more.

  2. Click the class and then Classwork and then the assignment.
  3. At the bottom of the assignment, click the rubric.
  4. At the top, click More and then Export to Sheets.
  5. Click Close to return to the Classwork page.
  6. On the Classwork page, at the top, click Class Drive folder and then Classroom.
  7. Choose an option:
    • To share your entire folder, right-click the Rubrics Exports folder.
    • To share one rubric, open the Rubric Exports folder and then right-click the rubric.
  8. Select Share and enter the teacher's name or email address.
  9. Click Send.

Import a shared rubric:

  1. Go to and click Sign In.

    Sign in with your Google Account. For example, or you@gmail.comLearn more.

  2. Click the class and then Classwork.
  3. Click Create and then Assignment and then enter a title for your assignment.
  4. At the right, click Add Rubric and then Import from Sheets.
  5. Click the rubric you want to import and then click Add.
  6. (Optional) Make any edits to the rubric.
  7. Click Save.
    Note: If the rubric doesn't save, export and import it again. Edits made to the Sheets file could cause the import to fail.

Edit or delete a rubric

Edit an assignment’s rubric

Before you start grading:

  • You can edit and delete an assignment's rubric.
  • You can't "lock" the rubric so that it isn't editable.

If you edit a rubric, the changes apply only to the assignment you're in. After you start grading, you can't edit or delete the assignment's rubric.

  1. On a computer, go to
  2. Click the classand thenClasswork.
  3. Click the assignment and then at the bottom, click the rubric.

    Tip: If you don't see a rubric, your teacher hasn't added one to the assignment yet.

  4. In the top-right corner, click More and thenEdit.
    Note: This option isn’t available after you start grading with the rubric.
  5. Enter your changesand thenclick Save.

Delete an assignment’s rubric

This option isn’t available after you start grading with the rubric.

  1. On a computer, go to
  2. Click the classand thenClasswork.
  3. Click the assignment and then at the bottom, click the rubric.

    Tip: If you don't see a rubric, your teacher hasn't added one to the assignment yet.

  4. In the top-right corner, click Moreand thenDelete.
  5. To confirm, click Delete.

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