Find your classwork

This article is for students.

For all of your classes, you can quickly see upcoming assignments and announcements and what’s late or missing. You can also arrange work by topic.

Quickly see upcoming work and latest announcements

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.

    On each class card, you can review up to 3 assignments that are due in the next week.

  2. (Optional) To see details, tap the title of the work.
  3. Tap a class to see the latest assignments, questions, or announcements.

 See work for all classes

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. At the top, tap View to-do list.
  3. (Optional) To sort the work, tap Assigned, Missing, or Done.
  4. Tap a title to see any instructions or feedback.
  5. (Optional) To see or hide work for a specific time period, tap the Down arrow  or Up arrow .

Check your work offline

On Android devices, you can use certain Classroom app functions without an internet connection. Students can:
  • Review the class announcements and assignments
  • Find and edit downloaded assignment attachments
  • Manage and remove offline files
To access the Classroom app offline:
  1. In the Drive app, go to Settings.
  2. Turn off Transfer files over Wi-Fi.

See all your work for a class

You can see a list of all your work for a class. You can check your grades, review assignments and due dates, and see any work that’s late or missing. You can also filter your work by class.

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap the classand thenClasswork .
  3. At the top right, tap Your work .
  4. (Optional) To filter your work, tap Filter and thenAssigned, Returned, or Missing.
  5. Tap a title to see any instructions or feedback.

Check for late or missing work

Your teacher sets the late-work policies for your class. However, Classroom doesn’t prevent you from turning in work after the due date.  

When your teacher assigns work, it’s marked Assigned. If you don't turn in your work on time, it's marked Missing or Done late as soon as the due date or time arrives. For example, if work is due at 9:00 AM, turn it in by 8:59 AM. If you turn it in at 9:00 AM, it's late.

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap a classand thenClasswork .
  3. At the top, tap Your work .
  4. Tap Filter and thenMissing.

See work arranged by topic

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap a classand thenClasswork .
  3. At the top,  tap Filter and select a topic.
  4. (Optional) To see any instructions or feedback, tap the post.

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