
These instructions are for Google Earth Pro. Get help with Google Earth for Web and Mobile.

Search for places

Find places or things to do in Google Earth. You can search for specific and general locations, such as:

  • City, State: Buffalo, NY
  • City, Country: London, England
  • Street name: Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood, CA
  • Specific address: with number, street name, city, state, and country, such as 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC, United States
  • Zip or Postal code
  • Longitude, Latitude: in decimal format, 37.7, -122.2 or DMS format, 37 25'19.07"N, 122 05'06.24"W
  • General places: coffee in NYC

Find places

  1. Open Google EarthGoogle Earth.
  2. At the top left, select Search box and type a location.
  3. Press Enter or Return.
  4. Earth will zoom into that location on the map.

Find or delete searches

You can find or delete previous Google Earth search results on your computer any time.

Find previous search results

Google Earth saves your most recent searches. On your computer, you’ll find recent searches in a list when you type in the Search box.

You can also look at a list of previous searches:

  1. On the left-hand panel under "Search," click History. On the left side of "Search History," you’ll find a Checkmark Checkmark.
  2. If the Search History isn’t already open, go to the end of the row And then click More Add. You’ll find a folder for each place you’ve searched.
  3. To open a folder, click More Add. You’ll find a list of search results.
  4. Double-click the link for any of the places you want to revisit. Earth will zoom into that location on the map.

Delete previous search results

  1. On the left-hand panel under "Search," click History.
  2. At the bottom right, click Clear History.

Tip: The Clear History button is at the bottom of your search results. If you haven’t cleared your history in a while, scroll down to find it.

Clear search
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