Find the longitude and latitude of any location on the globe. Longitudes and latitudes are available on Google Earth for computers.
Find coordinates for a location
- Open Google Earth.
- As you move your mouse over different locations, coordinates will be displayed in the lower right corner.
If your mouse is not in the map, the location coordinates for the center of the map display.
Choose how coordinates display
Change the way coordinates display based on your personal preferences or needs. You can choose any of these formats:
- Decimal Degrees: such as
37.7°, -122.2°
- Degrees, Minutes, Seconds: such as
37°25'19.07"N, 122°05'06.24"W
- Degrees, Decimal Minutes: such as
32° 18.385' N 122° 36.875' W
- Universal Transverse Mercator: such as
10 S 055974, 4282182
Use coordinates to search
If you already know a location’s coordinates, you can use them to search for that location:
- Open Google Earth.
- In the Search box in the left-hand panel, enter coordinates using one of these formats:
- Decimal Degrees: such as
37.7°, -122.2°
- Degrees, Minutes, Seconds: such as
37°25'19.07"N, 122°05'06.24"W
- Decimal Degrees: such as
- Google Earth zooms into that location and coordinates will be displayed in the lower right corner.
Turn on the coordinates grid
To find an exact location, you can use the coordinates on the map grid:
- In the upper menu bar, click View
- Ctrl + n (Windows) or ⌘+ L (Mac).
The grid lines are marked with general coordinates. Exact longitude and latitude readings are in the lower right corner.