Use Timelapse in Google Earth

Tour the world and see how our planet has changed over time through a global time-lapse video of the planet from 1984 to today.

When you open Timelapse in Google Earth, the animation begins.

Important: Timelapse in Google Earth displays time-lapse videos on the 3D globe, which means it uses a lot of bandwidth. For low bandwidth environments, or on older devices, it might take longer for imagery to come into focus as you pan and zoom. The feature is available on both web and mobile, and we recommend that you connect to WiFi.

Open Timelapse in Google Earth

  1. On your computer, open Google Earth.
  2. At the top left, click View and then Layers.
  3. Scroll to "Additional Layers" and then Enable Timelapse.
  4. On the left, in the “Search Google Earth” field, enter the location.

Control time animations

  1. On your computer, open Google Earth.
  2. Click Layers and then Timelapse in Google Earth.
  3. At the top right, you can control animations:
    • To control the animations: Use Pause and Play .
    • To go to a specific date: Click and drag the timeline.

Exit Timelapse in Google Earth

On the right, click Exit Timelapse.

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