
Duo has been upgraded to Meet as your one app for video calling and meetings. Learn more.

Send feedback about Google Duo

You can report any problems that you're experiencing or send feedback about Duo.

Send feedback on Duo for web

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. At the top right, click Feedback Feedback.
  3. Enter your comment or describe the problem that you’re having.
  4. (Optional) Choose to include a screenshot and logs. This information can help us understand the problem.
  5. At the top right, select Send Send.

Send feedback on a Chromebook

  1. On your Chromebook, open Duo.
  2. At the top right, select More More and then Help & feedback.
  3. At the top right, select More More and then Send feedback.
  4. Enter your comment or describe the problem that you're having.
  5. (Optional) Choose to include a screenshot and logs. This information can help us understand the problem.
  6. At the top right, select Send Send.

Send feedback about a call

When you've finished a call, you may be asked to rate the call as good or bad.

  1. If you're prompted, enter your rating. 
  2. If you rate a call as 'bad', let us know what the problem was.

Some information about bad calls will automatically be sent to Google so that we can understand the problem better. The information won't include the call's content.

Need more help?

If you need any more help, you can ask questions in the Duo Help Forum.

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