Jul 17, 2019

File .txt not display, ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE

From today every .txt file I try to open from Drive app I receive: Web page not available,  a net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE.
If I select open with and I use google Doc works but I have to do this thing every time.
I cleared the cache many time without solution.
Any help ?
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Last edited Jul 17, 2019
All Replies (26)
Jul 17, 2019
The same phenomenon occurred to me, but I could solve it by changing the application to open.
Jul 23, 2019
Here is the solution:

Tap Apps & notifications on your mobile

Tap the Google Drive. If you don't see it, first tap See all apps or App info.

Tap Force stop.

After you tap Force stop, please tap Storage and then Clear storage or Clear data and then OK.

That's it. Have fun, guys. My problem is gone!
Jul 23, 2019
Annoying been doing it to me for the past week. Clearing cache stops it but once you open it again it comes back, think we need google to fix the problem on the next update.
Jul 24, 2019
I tried clearing cache... even though its not working
Jul 24, 2019
uninstall and update google drive from play store. problem is solved :)
Jul 24, 2019
problem still occurs even after clearing/reinstalling whatever...
Jul 25, 2019
me to. clearing cache on both google drive & google docs does not help me.
Jul 25, 2019
It fixed the problem but now can't edit the doc. Anyone else?
Jul 25, 2019
So I've been having the same problem on my android phone since the latest update of Google Drive. I had tried all the suggestions provided here and even several others, only to have the problem appear fixed but eventually reappeared.  I finally installed the Google Docs app and set its input to be from Drive, and set Drive docs to "Open with" the Google Docs app..  I've not had the problem since doing that.. Though Drive had worked fine for years without the Docs app being installed, it now appears that both of them must be installed and set to associate files with each other.  Google developers really screwed us with this one!
Last edited Jul 25, 2019
Jul 26, 2019
i have the sane error, After thise error i open the txt file in "explicit mode" from the errore frame
if the error persist i neew to convert in word or  pdf files
Google user
Jul 27, 2019
Clearing cache helps, but then Google is opening txt file in Microsoft Word app (I have it installed). I don't want to read/edit it in MS Word, why is Google suddenly forcing us to use MS Word for a simple text file?

Also, MS Word is creating another copy of txt file if you want to edit it. Very annoying.

I uninstalled MS Word and tried opening it and editing again in Google Drive. Now, it sends me to Play Store to download MS Word. Crazy!

If I open a txt file with "Open with" option in Drive, it creates a copy of the file in the root. Why? Just why?

Google and MS are playing games to swing us in the direction they want us to go, but the path is not clear or easy and we are suffering. We can't stop using the Windows machines and we want to use Google ecosystem!
Jul 31, 2019
Latest update has fixed this! Thanks Google.
Aug 8, 2019
Latest update as cued the problem thankyou Google
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