Want advanced Google Workspace features for your business?
Google Drive helps you keep all your files together. You can upload and share your files from any device, create new files, keep them organized, edit easily, and share them with others.
If you're new to Google Drive, this article will help you get started by covering the most important and useful things you can do, from learning how to use Drive and keeping your files organized to getting tips for using it on your computer, phone, or tablet.
Learn how to use Google Drive
In this section, you'll learn to:
Use Google Drive features
On your computer, go to drive.google.com.
New button
To upload or create files or folders, you can use the “New” button.
- On your computer, go to drive.google.com.
- At the top left, click New
- Create or upload a file or folder.
- To create a folder: Select New folder
- To upload a folder: Select Folder upload
- To create a file: Select the document type.
- To upload a file: Select File upload
- To create a folder: Select New folder
In the ”Home” section of Google Drive, you can:
- Access files and folders that you or others opened, shared, or edited, as well as those related to upcoming meetings.
- Use the “Search bar” and “Filter chips” to find suggested files by:
- Type
- People
- Modified date
- Location in Drive
My Drive
You can use "My Drive" section to find:
- Files and folders you upload or sync.
- Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms you create.
Tip: You can choose “Home” or “My Drive” as your Google Drive start page. To change your start page:
- On your computer, go to drive.google.com.
- At the top right, click Settings
- Under “Start page,” select Home or My Drive.
Find details about your file
In Google Drive, you can find information about a file you uploaded or created, such as:
- Activity
- Sharing permissions
- Recent changes
To find information about a file:
- On your computer, go to drive.google.com.
- Click a file.
- Select View details.
Share your file
To share your files or folders with others and give them viewer, commenter, or editor access:
- On your computer, go to drive.google.com.
- Click a file or folder.
- Under the Search bar, click Share
Delete your file
To delete your files or folders:
- On your computer, go to drive.google.com.
- Click a file or folder.
- Under the Search bar, click Move to trash
Add your files to the Starred section
To quickly find your important files or folders, you can add them to the "Starred" section.
- On your computer, go to drive.google.com.
- Right-click a file or folder.
- Select Organize
Add to starred
Use preview for quick actions
To find more actions you can take on a file or folder, you can use “More actions.” You can take actions on a file or folder, such as:
- Rename
- Share
- Move to
- Download
To find more actions:
- On your computer, go to drive.google.com.
- Click a file or folder.
- Under the Search bar, click More actions
Sign out of Google Drive
- On your computer, go to drive.google.com.
- At the top right, click your profile picture.
- If a photo doesn’t show, you can find the default Account image
- If a photo doesn’t show, you can find the default Account image
- Click Sign out.
Upload, share & organize your files
Upload or create files
You can upload files from your computer or create files in Google Drive.
- Upload files and folders to Google Drive
- Scan documents with Google Drive
- Work with Office files
- Create, edit, and format Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides
Share & organize files
You can share files or folders for others to access, edit, or comment on.
To find files that other people shared with you, go to Shared with me.