Manage resource records

Resource records connect the underlying components of your domain, such as hosting for a website, email service providers, name servers, security features, or custom features. Accurate resource records can also improve website security and authenticate domain name ownership.

As you add services to your domain, Google Domains automatically sets up new resource records. However, you can also modify them directly to add custom components or edit ones set up automatically.

When you purchased a domain, Google Domains set up name servers automatically at no extra cost. You can edit these name servers in Google Domains directly or set up custom name servers to manage and modify them through a third-party provider. Learn how to manage name servers.

Create, modify, or delete a resource record

Important: Resource records may take 24–48 hours to update across the entire internet. Different internet users may get different results when they try to visit or use your site during that time. Confirm that you save your changes to each altered resource record before you edit the next one.

You can modify your domain’s resource records to add verification, create a subdomain, or change which name servers you direct users to.

Use the Time-To-Live (TTL) field to define how often machines and browsers should update your records.

  1. Sign in to Google Domains.
  2. Select the domain that you want to change.
  3. At the top left, click Menu Menu and then DNS.
  4. Under “Resource records,” click Custom records and then Manage records.
    • If you don’t have any resource records yet, click Custom records.
  5. For each record set, edit the “Type,” “TTL,” or “Data” fields directly.
    • For examples of how to format entries, check resource record types.
    • To include multiple records with the same Host name, Type, TTL, and Data values at the same time, also known as a resource record set, click Create new record.
    • To remove one data field from a record set, click Remove cancel.
  6. You can add or delete more record sets.
    • To add another record, click Create new record and then Save.
    • To delete an entire record set, click Delete Delete .
  7. Click Save.
  8. Confirm that the altered resource record is now visible.

Tip: To create, modify, or delete your resource records, Google Domains must be set to "Google Domains (Active)." If you find "Custom (Active)," you must set up resource records with your name server provider.

Format resource record fields

For examples of resource records, go to resource record types. When you add resource records in Google Domains, you must complete the following fields.

Host name

The Host name field indicates which object that a resource record refers to. For example, a record might be relevant for your entire website, like, or just a subdomain, like

You can format the Host name field to specify what you want a resource record to apply to. If you’re not sure what to include in the Host name field, contact the service provider for your record type, such as your email service. Here are some common formats:

Apply a record to an entire domain

If you want a resource record to apply to your entire domain, like, leave the Host name field blank or add the “@” symbol.

Apply a record to a single subdomain

If you want a resource record to apply to a single subdomain, like, include the prefix in the Host name field. For example:

Host name







Apply a record to multiple subdomains

If you want a resource record to apply to multiple subdomains that don’t have any other resource records defined, use a wildcard record. For example, you can format the Host name field with an asterisk (*), followed by a dot (.), followed by your domain name:

Host name







Tip: You can only use wildcard records for some record types. If not used properly, wildcard records may return unexpected results. For more detailed info, go to RFC 1034 (section 4.3.3) and RFC 4592. For more examples, go to RFC 4592 (section 2.2.1).

Type of resource record

These are the resource record types that you add, for example: A, CNAME, and MX. Learn more at resource record types.


To make internet resources more efficient, a device may store info about a website. Time-To-Live (TTL) defines how frequently a resource record should be refreshed.

Google Domains lists refresh values in seconds. Enter a custom value or pick one of the default values:

  • 10 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 6 hours

Record's data

The record's data depends on the resource record types. For example, an A record would include an IP address in the Data field. If you’re not sure what info to include, contact the service provider for your record type, like your email service for MX record types.

Export resource records to a different DNS provider

To export the resource records you set up in Google Domains to a different DNS provider:

  1. Sign in to Google Domains.
  2. Select the name of your domain.
  3. At the top left, click Menu Menu and then DNS.
  4. Select Default name servers.
    • If Google Domains is set to "Default name servers (Active)," you currently use our default name servers. If the “Custom name servers” tab is set to "Custom name servers (Active)," you currently use custom name servers. You must set up resource records with your name server provider.
  1. Under “Resource records,” click Export DNS records.
  2. Choose the file type that you want to export:
    • BIND: A .bind file is a .txt file that many DNS providers commonly use to describe resource records. If your domain has ALIAS records, they only export as comments since they’re specific to Google Cloud DNS and may not be available at other registrars.
    • YAML: A .yaml file is a “YAML Ain’t Markup Language” file. This option only works if you export your DNS resource records in Google Cloud DNS. ALIAS records are included in YAML files.

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