Expiration and deletion of domain registrations

Watch for Domain Name Expiration notices

If you don’t turn on auto-renew before your domains expire, watch for emails to show you how to renew your registration.

We'll email you renewal instructions:

  • About one month before your domain registration expires
  • About one week before your domain registration expires

Post-expiration renewal

If you don't renew your registration before it expires:

From days 1 to 30* after expiration:

  • Renewal grace period: Your domain name will be placed on hold, meaning that viewers will no longer be able to get to your website.
  • Within 5 days after your registration expires, we'll send an additional expiration notice via email to the registered name holder (registrant). This email will include instructions for renewing your registration.
  • There is no additional fee to renew during this time period. Renewals will be charged at the standard rate. See the list of supported TLDs and prices to determine the standard rate for renewing your domain.

From days 31 to 60* after expiration:

  • Restoration grace period: Your domain name will be prepared for deletion. What this means is that we'll contact the manager of the registry (the top-level domain) where your domain is located. Then the registry will disable DNS resolution to your domain.
  • From day 31 to day 60, you may still be able to restore your domain name, but there will be an additional fee to restore it. The restoration fee is set by the registry. Each top-level domain (TLDs) or domain endings will have its own fee. See the Domain ending (TLD) reference article for your domain to learn about the restoration fees.

61 days* after expiration:

  • If you still haven’t contacted us, your domain will soon be deleted, and then available for others to buy.

*Tip: Some domain endings have different times for renewal and restoration. See the Domain ending (TLD) reference for the Renewal grace period and Restoration grace period for your domain.

What does this all mean?

  • You'll have 30 days (for most domains*) after your registration expires to renew your domain at the standard rate.
  • After 30 days*, it'll still be possible to renew, but you'll have to pay an additional fee -- typically $80 (for a .com domain). The amount of the restoration fee is determined by the registry and varies for each domain ending. See the Domain ending (TLD) reference article for your domain to learn the amount of the restoration fee.
  • After 60 days*, there's no longer any way to renew. In that case, you'll lose your domain.

Set your account to auto-renew so you don’t have to manually renew your account, pay extra fees, or lose your domain.

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