Jan 20, 2021

Google Docs desactivate the Word protection


I created a Word Document, with a lot of texts, and a lots of fields to be filled by my client.
I locked the Word Document, so my client can only fill the fields (but can't change the texts)

When I upload the docx file in Drive, and the client open it with Google Docs, the protection is not there anymore, and the client can edit the texts !
It is a big problem !

It seems I can't create that kind of document with Google Docs (A 20 pages doc with text that can be changed, and 30 fields editable in the differents pages).
Word can do it, but Google Docs destroy everything.
And the document must be able to be printed if needed.
How can I fix my problem ? 

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All Replies (10)
Hi, Julie,
When you use features in Word that aren't supported in Docs (or vice versa), you will run into problems. Docs currently doesn't support locked documents or locked parts of documents, so when you use that feature and convert the .docx file to Docs format, Docs doesn't know what to do with it. If you want to use certain features that are only in Word, then it would be best to stick with that app rather than try to switch among apps and have unrealistic expectations.
At this point you could either use the Word file with your client or you could convert the file to a PDF and have your client use a PDF-filler app to complete the fields (such as Sejda Fill and Sign PDFI Love PDF Sign PDF, Adobe Fill and Sign a PDF, or other apps of your choice).
Google Product Expert Volunteer (not a Google employee)
Jan 20, 2021
Hi, and thnaks for your 1st answer.

Using a pdf will be too complicated for my clients. I need something easier and quickier for my clients.

Initially, I didn't planned to use Google Docs. 
But I use Google Drive to share documents with my clients.
And when my clients clic on the document (which is the intuitive way to behave when you are on Drive), the document is automatically openned with Google Docs.

Is there a way to "force" Google Drive to NOT open the document in Google Docs ?

Otherway, the only solution seems to stop using Google Drive to share the documents ?!
It is sad.
Last edited Jan 20, 2021
Because Docs is a web-based app, when you click on a document in Drive, there's no other place to open it other than Docs. Did you convert the .docx file to Docs format or did you retain it as .docx file? If you converted it to Docs format, what happens to the original document when you open it as a .docx file instead?

Jan 20, 2021
Ok, I understand why it is not possible to prevent Google Drive to not open .doc in GoogleDoc

I just uploaded my .docx in Drive. I didn't convert it or anything else.
Just upload. 
And when client openned it : no protection.
He filled it.
And when I downloaded the document, there is no protection anymore.

Guess it ist a good way to unlock all word documents, lol ! GoogleDoc is the key to open them all !

How can i can convert my .docs in Docs format ?
Do you think it will have a different behaviour and keep the protection on ?
To convert an open .docx file to Docs format, go to File > Save as Google Docs. A new document in Docs format will open in a new tab (your original file will remain intact). As I noted above, since Docs doesn't support document protection (and because Word and Docs are coded differently), Docs can't retain the protections you set in Word -- it simply doesn't have that capability at this time.
You can send a request for this feature directly to the Docs team by opening a Docs document and going to Help > Help Docs improve. The team is unable to respond to individual users, but they do review all feedback sent to them and use it to improve the app over time.
Jan 20, 2021
Ok. So, for the moment, there is no ready solution for my problem... except not using Drive.

Thanks for your answers.  
I'm going to send a request for this feature, yes. That's a good idea.

Have a good day.
Jan 20, 2021
Sorry... Can't find the  Help Docs Improve"
Where this section is ??
My pleasure, Julie. Thanks for sending in your feedback to the team. Wishing you a good day as well.

To find it, you have to first open a document in Docs, click on "Help" in the action bar, and then click on "Help Docs improve."

Jan 20, 2021
You could consider using a Google Form perhaps, which has fields your clients cn gill in but the other text is locked.
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