So, this depends on exactly what type of Pivot Table you are trying to get.
If you use the Data menu > Pivot Table option, there is no direct way to get a combined pivot table. You can do it in an indirect way by having a single tab that consolidates things for you though. See the two tabs highlighted in orange. The data tab uses this formula in A1:
=QUERY({'Region 1'!A1:J;'Region 2'!A2:J;'Region 3'!A2:J}, "Where Col1 is not null",1)
To add other tabs you would add them before the closing curly bracket and separated with a semi-colon. ...'Region 3'!A2:J; 'Region 4'!A2:J }....
The other way to do this is by using some of the other options in QUERY. You can use the same QUERY as above but add more options such as pivot or group, etc.
In the "QUERY Pivot" tab (highlighted magenta), I put this function:
=QUERY({'Region 1'!A1:J;'Region 2'!A2:J;'Region 3'!A2:J}, "Select Col1, Count(Col1) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 pivot Col6",1)
This will provide the count of items by date ("group by Col1") and then by zipcode ("pivot Col6"). There are not as many options with the QUERY pivot table option as there are for a plain pivot table though.
Note that since your data does not specifically have a column for "Region" that information is NOT carried over to the consolidated data tab. It might be a good idea to add that column and include it in your data.