It's not going to be a question of splitting the data into multiple tabs or multiple sheets, and things like Indirect() will only slow things down.
More important are the things your doing with your data and how you're doing it.
I have a notepad page with some comments that address performance issues. I'll paste them below without editing - some may not be relevant, but it's everything in my notes.
In the end, you may want to make a clone of your sheet that you can share here. i'll close this post with guidance for doing that safely.
1 - Excessive use of Conditional Formatting.
2 - Use of Copy-Down formulas repeated in every row rather than use of Arrayformulas to process the entire range.
3 - Repeated calls to ImportRange, rather than a single call to import the data, which can then serve your local formulas.
4 - large numbers of empty rows and columns, particularly if those empty rows are processed by formulas.
5 - unnecessarily complex formulas, formulas that run the same calculation repeatedly, complex formulas that could be replaced with built in functions.
6 - Approaching the cell-count limit of 5 millions cells. As the sheet gets up there, it inevitably slows down. I don't know exactly what the limit for tab count is, but if you've got large numbers of tabs, you could probably improve on that organization. Cells themselves have a 50K character limit. Certain types of formulas can challenge that limit during internal processing.
Addendum - I've seen use of IMPORTRANGE() to access data on the same Sheets document. This is unnecessary as local data can be referenced directly. Using ImportRange forces the sheet to go back to the server to fetch data it already has.
As a sheet grows larger, it becomes more important that you strategize the structure of your data and efficiency of your formulas. I would look for ways to improve those areas.
Also, if your sheet is doing more than one job, consider splitting it into separate files and use ImportRange to share data between the files.
Stock paragraph:
If you'd like help entered directly on a Google Sheet, from me or dozens of other forum contributors, please share an editable copy we can all work on. Please take a look at:
Google Product Experts' TIPS FOR POSTING
(Have sensitive info in your sheet? Read the tips!)