Feb 28, 2019

"Server rejected" issue

I cannot upload xls files since about a day or two ago. I get "Server rejected" when I try to import xlsx files. Same happen for any kind of .xlsx file. Thanks!
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All Replies (25)
Feb 28, 2019
Hi Adam,
Here is a workaround that might work for you.
- Mike
Jul 23, 2019
I am having the same issue, and the link to the suggested work around that Google Tech support posted in this thread leads to a 404 Page Not Found.
Aug 2, 2019
Super crazy that they haven't responded or fixed this issue yet. I've been having it for over a month now as well, including right now.
Aug 8, 2019
I am having this issue today as well - very frustrating
Aug 10, 2019
Ok, i was having this same issue-  "server rejected"  Found out that my Google Drive storage was maxed out (15G of 15G occupied)  so I deleted about 5G worth of files, then Emptied the trash (this is crucial because if you don't, you will get the same message)  I then tried uploading the file again, and it worked.
Aug 11, 2019
Same Issue, worked for a couple of files and then stopped no matter the size.  Freed up space in my drive and still the same issue.
Oct 8, 2019
Same problems here, even the file only 1 KB
Oct 16, 2019
Same issue for me. Was fine yesterday, now it's not.
Oct 21, 2019
I'm finding G-Suite to be more trouble than it's worth. I spend hours each week on troubleshooting things when I need to be earning a living!
Oct 29, 2019
Hats off to Mike who suggested this workaround


Thanks, it did just the job!!
Dec 7, 2019
This worked for me. I uploaded my file to Google Drive. The .rtf file was too big to open in Google Docs, so I uploaded the file in a .docx form. That worked. When opening, I opened from My Drive and not directly from my documents folder.
Last edited Dec 7, 2019
Jan 23, 2020
I have the same issue. One of my co-workers is trying to upload to a google sheet I created and it says server rejected. I can't email it to my email. It needs to be submitted thru the google sheet. Any solutions?
Jan 27, 2020
It's the Ad-Blocker! Had the same issue, turned it off and everything was able to upload.  
Hope this helps!
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