Aug 27, 2019

Convert a formula into Arrayformula.

Hello Everyone,

I am having hard times converting a column full of formulas into an Arrayformula and would love to get some help please. 
The column in question is column C. The current formulas there (starting from C4) basically populates the number displayed in column B down the line until I type something in column D. 

In other words, the number in column B appears only when something is entered in column D. When a number is added to column B, column C pick this up and starts duplicating this along the line. 

I hope this makes sense (probably not), please have a look at the sheet. If someone could help converting column C into Arrayformula I would really appreciate it!

Please let me know if something needs to be clarified! 

Thank you in advance,
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Recommended Answer
Aug 27, 2019
I made a copy of your template tab and put this in cell C4:
Does that work like you wanted?
If not, can you share where/how it went wrong?
Original Poster Vladlen Vasilcenko marked this as an answer
All Replies (6)
Recommended Answer
Aug 27, 2019
I made a copy of your template tab and put this in cell C4:
Does that work like you wanted?
If not, can you share where/how it went wrong?
Original Poster Vladlen Vasilcenko marked this as an answer
Aug 27, 2019
Hello KarlS,

Thank you for the quick response. 

The formula works exactly how it should! Could you please explain how you constructed this? Just so that I understand it. I understand why vlookup is there but struggling to get my head around the filter part. 

Anyway, I am very grateful for your help! Thank you.

Kind Regards,
Aug 27, 2019
I can provide a breakdown of how it works but it would be helpful to have access to the file again to do that.
In general, it takes advantage of the "is sorted" switch in VLOOKUP to provide the previous response. It also uses curly brackets, {}, to create the custom range of ROW | Value for column B which is what VLOOKUP uses to find the value. The FILTER is only there to remove the rows where there is no defined value in column B.
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Aug 28, 2019
Hello KarlS,

Thank you for the reply!

I will leave the file opened for others to view.
Aug 28, 2019
Thank you, Vladlens!
Do you need me to provide more breakdown of the formula still or is the brief description from yesterday enough?
Aug 28, 2019
Hello KarlS,

The description provided yesterday is enough.
Thank you very much for helping, appreciate this!

Kind Regards,
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