Apr 15, 2021

Add different links in a single image Slide/Doc

Hey, is it possible to add multiple links in a single image? Like: Docs/Slide.
 Here in this Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/197g0mBrNuTFvu2Ha6qXg-RdnsQnOanNrmuxSZL-j6X8/edit

I've added a world map and wanted to add hyperlinks for different continent. Suppose: there should be different link for Africa than Europe. 

If not possible in doc, can this be done in Slides? Any suggestions??
I want to link different sheets or tabs with the continent.
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Recommended Answer
Apr 15, 2021
Hi Atx316,
This can be done in Slides by using transparent layers over the top of the picture.  For example, if you want to have a link that allows users to click on Africa and they are taken to a specific link, you would do the following:
  1. In Slides, put the picture into the Slide.  You also can put the picture into the background of the Slide.
  2. Select the Shape tool and place a shape over Africa.
  3. Go to Insert - Link and add in the URL you want to use
  4. Click on the Fill Color icon and choose Transparent
  5. Click on the Border Color icon and choose Transparent
I hope this helps!
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Original Poster Atx316 marked this as an answer
All Replies (3)
Recommended Answer
Apr 15, 2021
Hi Atx316,
This can be done in Slides by using transparent layers over the top of the picture.  For example, if you want to have a link that allows users to click on Africa and they are taken to a specific link, you would do the following:
  1. In Slides, put the picture into the Slide.  You also can put the picture into the background of the Slide.
  2. Select the Shape tool and place a shape over Africa.
  3. Go to Insert - Link and add in the URL you want to use
  4. Click on the Fill Color icon and choose Transparent
  5. Click on the Border Color icon and choose Transparent
I hope this helps!
Diamond PE Docs volunteer
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Original Poster Atx316 marked this as an answer
Apr 15, 2021
This is great! 

Although, while searching for shape, I found out a callout shape. I had used those in the map and inserted the link there. 

No need to change it to do transparent and all. 

Thanks for the suggestion :)
Apr 15, 2021
Great!  The "callout" shape will work for this but it may not be the right size or shape for the area that you want to have clickable.  When this happens, then using other shapes with the transparent colors works well.
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