Apr 7, 2021

Find and return rows where multiple columns match

I'm helping my school create a master schedule. Some classes are only taught in one period, so you can't have a student signed up for two of those classes in the same period. I need to be able to find and compile cases where the same ID number is in two different classes in the same period. I've tried creating a query function for this, but can't get it right. On the "Conflicts" tab of this Sample Sheet, the desired outcome is shown - both rows where there is the same ID and period.

Thanks in Advance!
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Recommended Answer
Apr 8, 2021
See if the updated formula works with your data now.
Original Poster Benjamin Yergler marked this as an answer
All Replies (5)
Apr 7, 2021
Hi Benjamin Yergler,
Thank you for the sample sheet.  I have added a sheet/tab called Help to your file that has a possible solution for you.  It is:
  • =ArrayFormula({'Class Rosters'!A1:G1;FILTER('Class Rosters'!A:G,'Class Rosters'!A:A=QUERY(QUERY('Class Rosters'!A:G,"select A,count(A) where A is not null group by A,F,G",0),"select Col1 where Col2>1",0))})
This will first look for all of the entries that the same ID, Semester, and Period.  Then it FILTERs out the the data for those numbers.
I hope this helps!
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Apr 7, 2021

Thanks so much for the quick reply. It doesn't seem to be looking for matching period numbers, only IDs. When I typed another entry into the Class Rosters with that same ID but a different period, the filter still caught it. Can the query count 2 columns (ID and Period) and look for where Col1>1 and Col2>1?

Another follow up question: Some classes can be offered in two periods, say 3rd and 7th. Could the Filter and query look for both of those?

Thanks again!
Recommended Answer
Apr 8, 2021
See if the updated formula works with your data now.
Original Poster Benjamin Yergler marked this as an answer
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