Returns the probability of drawing a specific number of successes or range of successes given a probability and number of tries.
Parts of a BINOM.DIST.RANGE function
BINOM.DIST.RANGE(num_trials, prob_success, num_successes, max_num_successes)
Part |
Description |
num_trials |
The number of independent trials. Must be greater than or equal to 0. |
prob_success |
The probability of success in any given trial. Must be between 0 and 1, both exclusive. |
num_successes |
The number of successes for which to calculate the probability in `num_trials` trials. Must be between 0 and num_trials, both exclusive. |
max_num_successes |
Optional: The maximum number of successes for which to calculate the probability in `num_trials` trials. If omitted, then we compute the probability of just `num_successes`. Must be between num_successes and num_trials, both exclusive. |
- If any arguments does not meet its constraints, this function returns a #NUM! error value.
- If any argument is non-numeric, this functions returns a #VALUE! error value.
- Except for prob_success, this function truncates any numerical argument to an integer.
A |
B |
1 |
Function input |
Function output |
2 |
=BINOM.DIST.RANGE(100, 0.5, 45) |
0.04847429663 |
3 |
=BINOM.DIST.RANGE(100, 0.5, 30, 45) |
0.1840847287 |
4 |
=BINOM.DIST.RANGE(100, 0.5, 30) |
0.00002317069058 |
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