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Menemukan nilai yang tidak diketahui dengan Goal Seek


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If you know the result you need from a formula, you can use Goal Seek to find the missing value needed to achieve it.

For example, Goal Seek can be used:

  • To conduct a break-even analysis for a business.
  • To find out what score you need on your next test in order to earn the overall class grade you want.

To find your target values, install the Goal Seek add-on to Google Sheets. This add-on is only available in English.

Learn how to install add-ons.

Find a target value

  1. Di komputer Anda, buka Google Spreadsheet.
  2. Di bagian atas, klik Ekstensi And then Goal Seek Add-on And then Open.
  3. Isi spreadsheet dengan nilai yang Anda miliki dan formula yang perlu diselesaikan.
  4. Klik sel yang berisi formula.
  5. Di sebelah kanan, di samping “Tetapkan sel”, klik Batasi sel yang dipilih Cell border.
  6. Di bagian “Nilai”, masukkan nilai target yang ingin Anda capai.
  7. Klik sel berisi nilai tidak dikenal yang ingin Anda temukan.
  8. Di sebelah kanan, di samping “Dengan mengubah sel”, klik Batasi sel yang dipilih Cell border.
  9. Klik Selesaikan.

Learn about scripts and add-ons

Add-ons are covered by Google Apps Script Additional Terms.

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