6.1 Share spreadsheets
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Share with specific people:
For more details, see Share files from Google Drive. |
6.2 Add comments and assign tasks
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6.3 Email collaborators
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To follow up on a conversation that’s too long for comments, email collaborators directly from Sheets.
6.4 Switch to an earlier version or name a version
If you own the spreadsheet or have edit access to it, you can see past versions and restore them.
Sheets: see versions or restore a version:
- Select File
Version history
See version history.
- (Optional) To see only named versions in the list, click Only show named versions.
- Click a time stamp to see a previous version of the file.
Below the time stamp, you’ll see:
- The names of anyone who edited the document.
- A colour next to each person’s name. The edits that they made appear in that colour.
- (Optional) To make the version the active version, click Restore this version.
Name a version:
- Select File
Version history
Name current version.
- Enter a name and click Save.
6.5 Create filters and filter views
Excel 2013 Excel 2010 |
To filter out data in a spreadsheet, create a filter. If you want filters that don’t affect anyone else’s view, create filter views. Create a filter:
Create a filter view:
For more information, see Sort and filter your data and Create, name and save a filter view. |
6.6 Protect content
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If you have sensitive content in a spreadsheet, you can restrict people from updating it.
For details, see Protect content in a spreadsheet. |
6.7 Limit sharing, downloading, printing or copying
Excel 2013 Excel 2010 |
If you have sensitive content in a spreadsheet, you can prevent people from downloading, printing or copying it.
6.8 Set an expiry date for sharing
Sheets: set sharing expirations
When you’re working with people outside of your organisation, such as clients or agencies, you might want to restrict their access to certain files when your projects are complete.
Set an expiry date:
- At the top of the spreadsheet, click Share.
- If the file isn’t already shared, share it.
- Click Advanced.
- Hover over a person’s name and click Set expiry
- Change the access expiry date.
Note: You can’t set the expiry for the current day. If you need to restrict access immediately, just unshare the file.
- Click Save changes
6.9 See who's viewed a spreadsheet
Sheets: see who's viewed a spreadsheet
In Sheets, if you have edit access to a spreadsheet, you can see:
- Who it’s shared with
- Who viewed it
- A chart of viewers over time
To see the activity dashboard, click Activity dashboard at the top right .
If you don’t want your view history to appear in the activity dashboard, you can change the privacy settings.