Add data labels, notes or error bars to a chart


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Add data labels

You can add data labels to a bar, column, scatter, area, line, waterfall, histograms or pie chart. Learn more about chart types.

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
  2. Double-click on the chart that you want to change.
  3. On the right, click Customise and then Series.
  4. Tick the box next to 'Data labels'.

Tip: Under 'Position', you can choose whether you want the data label to be inside or outside the bar.  

Edit data labels

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
  2. Double-click on the chart that you want to change.
  3. On the right, click Customise and then Series.
  4. To customise your data labels, you can change the font, style, color and number format. 

Tip: To edit an individual data label, double-click on the text.

If you’re creating a pie chart

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
  2. Double-click on the chart that you want to change.
  3. At the right, click Customise.
  4. Click Pie chart.
  5. Under 'Slice label', choose an option.

Add notes to a chart

You can add a note or annotation to explain trends in the data.

Before you add a note: You can add notes to bar, column, scatter, area, line and waterfall charts. Learn more about chart types.

Add error bars to a chart

You can add error bars to bar or line charts based on a constant value, a percentage value of a specific item or the series' standard deviation value. If you choose the standard deviation type, the error bars are centred on the mean of the series, not on the value of each individual item.

  1. On your computer, open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
  2. To open the editor panel, double-click on the chart.
  3. Click Customise and then Series.
  4. Tick the box next to 'Error bars'.
  5. Choose the type and value.
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