BITAND function

The BITAND function returns the bitwise boolean AND of two numbers. Learn more. The truth table of BITAND is provided below:
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

Parts of a BITAND function


Part Description Notes
value1 The first number. Must be the decimal representation of the number.
value2 The second number. Must be the decimal representation of the number.


It may make sense to use BITAND in conjunction with BIN2DEC as follows:

  • BITAND(BIN2DEC(“1010”), BIN2DEC(“1001”)) which evaluates to “1000” in binary or 8 in decimal.


10 in decimal is “1010” in binary. 9 in decimal is “1001” in binary. The result is “1000” in binary, which is 8 in decimal.

  A B
1 Formula Result
2 =BITAND(10,9) 8

The bitwise boolean AND of binary numbers “1110” and “0100” is the binary number “0100”, which is 4 in decimal.

  A B
1 Formula Result
2 =BITAND(BIN2DEC("1110"), BIN2DEC("0100")) 4

Related functions

  • BITOR: The BITOR function returns the bitwise boolean OR of two numbers.
  • BITXOR: The BITXOR function returns the bitwise boolean XOR (exclusive OR) of two numbers.
  • BITLSHIFT: The BITLSHIFT function shifts the bits of the input a certain number of places to the left. Bits on the right are filled with zeroes (0s).
  • BITRSHIFT: The BITRSHIFT function shifts the bits of the input a certain number of places to the right. Bits on the right are filled with zeroes (0s).
  • BIN2DEC: The BIN2DEC function converts a signed binary number to decimal format.
  • DEC2BIN: The DEC2BIN function converts a decimal number to signed binary format.
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