Choose a question for your form

You can select types of questions from a menu:

  1. Open a form in Google Forms.
  2. On the right, click Add .
  3. To the right of the question title, choose the type of question you want.
  4. (Optional) To make it required for users to answer your question, turn Required on or off.
  5. (Optional) To add the “Description” field, click More and then Description.
  6. (Optional) To find more options for each question, click More .

Learn how to add a question to a form.

Short answer

Choose from a list

Options you add to questions in forms are case sensitive. 
Multiple choice
  • You can provide a set of options. Responders can choose only one option.

  • You can include "Other" as an option. Responders can type a short answer.

  • You can provide a set of options. Responders can select multiple answers.

  • You can include "Other" as an option. Responders can type a short answer.

  • You can provide a set of options. Responders can choose only one option.

Upload files

File upload

You can ask the responder to upload a file in your form.


  • You can’t use this question type, if:
  • To answer this question, responders need to sign in to a Google Account.
  • For the form owner, uploaded files are stored in a new folder on Google Drive.

To set up a file upload question, you can:

  • Specify which file types responders can upload.
  • Set up the maximum number of files responders can upload.
  • Choose the maximum file size responders can upload.

Choose from a grid

Linear scale

You can ask responders to provide a rating on a scale.

  • Your scale can start at zero or one.
  • Your scale can end on a whole number from 2 to 10.
  • You can set a label for each end of the scale.
Multiple-choice grid

You can create a grid where responders can select one answer per row.

  • When you turn on the 'Require a response in each row' toggle: Responders must make a selection in each row. If they don't, an error message appears and the responder can't proceed.
  • Limit responders to one choice per column: When more than one response is selected in a column, an error message appears. Responders can't proceed.
    1. In the bottom-right, click More
    2. Tick 'Limit to one response per column'. 
  • Shuffle the row order: 
    1. In the bottom-right, click More .
    2. Tick 'Shuffle row order'.

Example of 'Limit to one response per column'


  • Rows: A, B, C
  • Columns: 1, 2, 3

Result: Responders choose one row item (A, B, C) for each column (1, 2, 3). If they tick multiple rows in a column, an error message appears.

Tick box grid

You can create a grid where responders can select one or more answers per row.

  • When you turn on the 'Require a response in each row' toggle: Responders must make a selection in each row. If they don't, an error message appears and the responder can't proceed.
  • Limit responders to one choice per column: When more than one response is selected in a column, an error message appears. Responders can't proceed.
    1. In the bottom-right, click More
    2. Tick 'Limit to one response per column'.
  • Shuffle the row order: 
    1. In the bottom-right, click More .
    2. Tick 'Shuffle row order'.

Example of 'Limit to one response per column'


  • Rows: A, B, C
  • Columns: 1, 2, 3

Result: Responders can tick multiple columns (1, 2, 3) for each row item (A, B, C). If they tick multiple rows in a column, they get an error message.

Select a date and time


Responders can fill out a date in mm/dd/yyyy format.

To include the year or time, at the bottom right of the question, click More .


Responders can fill out the:

  • Time in hh:mm AM/PM format
  • Duration in Hrs Min Sec format

To switch between time or duration, at the bottom right of the question, click More .

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